Start flight at any position on the ground, cold and dark or ready to go

THanks - its worth a try, I just got the Parallel42 campout stuff and want to restart flights from a remote hillside while leaving the campfire and picnic chairs out for the wildlife to use while I’m out exploring. The campfires make nice beacons at night when you’re trying to find your way back to the campsite :wink:


yeah i do things like that a lot too , camped on the beach near cape cod :))


Microsoft Store version?1.21.13Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?` NO

When trying to create a flight, I can’t put in all that is needed: altitude, direction, location (lat, lon), etc.
If I create a custom point, I can’t save it.
If I create a custom point, I can’t move it.
If I create a custom point I can’t define the altitude. The Nav box has a field for this, but it does not seem to set the altitude.
If I want a specific heading to start an approach, MSFS chooses its own heading.
I can’t set speed or throttle. Flaps, etc.
I’m sure this is in another thread, too…I can’t be the only one wanting this…but I searched, and didn’t find it.


Microsoft Store version current as of this instant date.
Windows 10 also current as of this instant date, along with drivers, etc.

The ability to create and save a custom point, (without having to place an “airstrip” there) would be handy

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The issue isn’t “spawn cold and dark on Mt. Everest”, (though it might be valid as a search-and-rescue scenerio), it’s the ability to do normal things with normal aircraft in normal ways without using voodoo magic, smoke-and-mirrors, magic hats, and such like.

There are many reasonable possibilities:

  • Spawn a seaplane (like the ICON) at a pier on the Moscow River, or somewhere on the Volga, etc.
  • Start a helicopter flight from the flat roof of a building (that might even have a marked helipad) that’s not an “official” airport.
  • Imagine having a field next to your house, (you live on a farm maybe?), and you want to be able to use your own “grass strip” (even if it’s not really a grass strip).
  • You want to practice/pretend you are part of a search-and-rescue team putting down next to a burning/sinking ship mid-ocean.

Literally "the sky’s the limit and if you can imagine it, you can do it.

For example:

Did this guy REALLY do a “life flight”?  No, he flew a simulated helicopter within a simulated world between two simulated places.  It’s the ability to IMAGINE doing a life flight, (and delivering a needed organ for a desperately needed organ transplant or saving a life), that makes simming great.

And part of the fun of a flight simulator is that you can do “un-realistic” things like spawn on the lip of an active volcano, on the back of a whale, on the roof of the Taj Mahal, or in the central garden at the Pentagon.

And why not?


@ JadedExponent34


you probably missunderstood my help and opinion. My answer was only to other user’s opinion that my tip with use of SLEW feature is not realistic. Then I answered that this click on map start is also not realistic, nothing more. I didn’t argue about not expected this feature in sim, only compared my solution and world map click as same not realistic starts, best example as Everest summit.

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I probably did, and if so, my humblest apologies.

As I understood, you were saying that going someplace via selecting a random place on the map is not realistic.

My statement was that it is possible that valid starting places might not be official airports or seaports.

Please accept my apologies for misunderstanding you.

Where are you from?

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no problem. I think also that idea is ok about possibility to start flight cold and dark from any place but then simply don’t understand about idea about some realistic or not realistic features. Where I’m from? Hope my nick from callsign is good tip to know answer :wink:

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I think this is reasonable with the inclusion of rotary wing craft that can takeoff and land pretty much anywhere.


My parents live on farmland. There used to be a little grass strip on the back property that was used for aerolite aircraft.

A more significant grass strip in importance to me is sorta across the road and a field from them. The property belonged to a crop duster. It’s now owned by a family friend, so I simulate flying in there to visit my parents. (I’m a 4 hour drive from them) I created an airport with the fictional code of JUGG for the sim so I could spawn there. (Available on the dot to) The guy who used to own the property and was the area crop duster was known as Jughead. I have no idea why, and I never met him. He flew low over our home all the time when I was a kid tho.

It’s strange to be that bush flying is such a large focus for this sim, but you can’t spawn at places you’d do bush flying at.


In the base game, we have at least 6 water only or amphibious aircraft available to us and nowhere (that I know of) to spawn in the world map cold and dark, tied to a dock without paying money for an add on. Especially with an aircraft like the Spruce Goose, you should be able to spawn cold and dark SOMEWHERE, am I right?

My request is simply to at least look at a place like Alaska (Anchorage has the busiest seaplane base in the world) and add in some docks to tie your airplane to and places to spawn cold and dark.


There are a few places (e.g. AA06) where you can start cold/dark on land, and taxi into the water once you’re ready to go. But I really like the idea of being tied to a dock and starting on water where there isn’t a real possibility of having a dirt/grass/etc runway close enough to the water to start from. I think we’d love to start up and push off from a dock.

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Exactly. Some planes aren’t amphibious at all either, the JU-52 on floats, and a few of the other local legends, the spruce goose, and some of the DLC available on the marketplace like the Wilga and soon to be the Norseman on floats don’t have an amphibious option. It’s either you have tires, or floats. I’m sure there’s more.

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One thing I have done in the past (and will do it again until they hopefully give us some sort of seaplane/seabase update) is start in a parking spot of a nearby airport and slew to the seabase or nearest lake/river. You’re at the mercy of the wind though until you get it started…

Just a functional anchor though would help that issue, like just have the parking brake act as an anchor. I don’t even need to visually see an anchor. :joy:


Yeah, cold and dark for floatplanes kinda sucks because of the lack of docking mechanisms. By the time you get started you’re either pushed onto the riverbank or half a mile into the lake because of the wind.

One workaround I heard was to use Active Pause when docked to prevent the plane from floating away, but it just ain’t the same as being in a docked plane that moves up and down with the waves and slightly tumbles around while you do your checks and start the plane up.

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I mean, imagine if there was a little boat that brought you passengers and fuel or even just AI float planes :joy:

Use FStarter and start anywhere with a mouseclick.


Click on a marker and start your saved airplane flight directly from map.

You can set up as many own markers as you want.

You can start your flight on ground(click the green marker) or any of the blue markers to start the flight in the air.

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Yes I just wanted to be able to save the current state of the simulator and start back from it, like in the real world. Some airports don´t have the proper gate placement for selection but they are there.


A lot of people tend to forget that a lot of flight simmers are on Xbox and they cant use tools from websites. While we can now use the Flow Essentials tool to teleport where we want it is still not the solution because it still takes away that feeling of actually starting cold and dark where we want.