Static thrust bug on multi engines (and Icon A5) found!

Wow, that’s even more problematic.

Are there any other stock aircraft where the engines are not on X=0? Do positive offsets cause this as well?

Edit: I bet this impacts the Long-Ez, might want to reach out to that developer.

All the other planes have engines in the front, they are safe (aslong as the datum is not setup weirdly)

ok, the DA40 has -0.2, yet it works properly.

Can we just make these changes to the engines.cfg file and have the right thrust profile?

Whoa. Just tried it. 0,0,-3.2

Feels much more natural, not weak on takeoff.


I like you. You used your brain

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Did Asobo ever acknowledge this bug or say it was going to get fixed?

I modified the engines.cfg file for a few of the aircraft but I have no idea how to actually debug the changes using the SDK and the graphs you showed in your proof.

Yes, Asobo actually talked about the bug in this video on Aerodynamics in Microsoft Flight Simulator:

Community Manager Jayne also acknowledged the bug in this post above:

Judging by the release notes to today’s UK World Update, it looks like they have changed something related to static thrust. I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet.

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It was in the release notes as “bi engine”. So I tested it with the stock DA-62 (removed @MrTommymxr’s update to test). Full power on the runway acts normally now (not sluggish). Full brakes, full power, release brakes and the plane jumps just like IRL. :white_check_mark:


I tested with the stock King Air 350i and my converted Grumman G21A. All work fine with the original (before workaround) engine Parameters. G21A see MSFS 2020 sailplane

Quote form the release notes:

  • Fixed induced speed calculation bug with bi propeller engines

Tried it out with the DA62X (v3.0.1):

First part is increasing the throttle to 100% while holding brakes (btw, they cannot hold the aircraft at full throttle anymore), then release at around t=15s, lift-off at t~30s.

→ Bug is fixed!

Edit: Accidentially had the flaps on landing, that’s why the airspeed is lower than you would anticipate.


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