Steam Gauge 172/182?

OK, call me old, call me a curmudgeon, but I do not like glass cockpits! Does anyone know of a good 172/182 with all steam gauges and the old fashion autopilot? Actually, I would be interested in just about any make or model GA aircraft that meets these criteria. Suggestions are welcome and thanks a lot!


The only steam guage 172 available at the moment is the one in the premium deluxe version which, with the WB-Sim enhancement, I hear is pretty good.

Carenado has the 182 RG which I’m sure is good, but if I were you, I would wait for A2A to release theirs

Just Flight Piper Arrows, A2A Comanche, Cessna C414AW, if you want a fast twin. There are also the Blacksquare mods.


B2 Islander I always use it as my GA option if I’m not doing it with a warbird

When a new airplane goes on sale, the first thing I do is go to the manufacturer’s website. If I see that the latest model has a glass cabin and the one sold does not, I WILL NOT BUY IT.
WHY? Because we need to update our planes day by day wit the new technologies
 the old is better than the newer its not true, why we update our software, becuause new always its better.
My personal opinion SORRY

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you’re entitled to have your opinion, as is the OP.

Many of us prefer flying with gauges, because it’s a more involved way of navigating. GPS makes a lot of sense IRL, but this is a sim, and I find that the more automation/tech you add, the more boring it becomes for me personally.

So neither view is wrong, or right. They’re just different views, and they’re both entirely valid.


I guess I am partial to the non-updated gauge setup because that’s what I took my flying lessons with back in 1966 on a Cessna 150. The closest I came to a glass cockpit was setting my bottle of soda on the glare screen. But I guess that is why I like this hobby; We can do whatever we want! There is no wrong or right. (Maybe they should have picked me to be Speaker of the House).


While maybe not GA, the DC-3 is a lot of fun to fly and has steam gauges. There is a Duckworks mod for it also.

I know this suggestion is 20 to 30 lower than your request, but have you considered the JP Logistics Cessna 152?


The JP Logistics Cessna 152 (now being developed by Wb-Sim) is an excellent FREE mod for the base Sims C152.

Wb-sim also does a more advanced Enhansement 172SP Mod {payware with good support} for the Premium version of MSFS’s C172SP.

Both are excellent choices for those who are learning to fly these planes in RL, or those with fond memories of flying them in the past in RL, and want to capture those moments again “REALISTICALLY” in MSFS.


Have A2A even announced they are developing a C172SP (or any steam gauge version of the C172) for MSFS ?

XP & P3D yes, but not MSFS ??

I highly recommend the Carenado 182 RG II (not the 182T).


I second this, the 182RG is fabulous.

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They haven’t announced it but since they already have both the 172 and 182 for FSX and P3D, I’m pretty sure they’ll work on remaking those next. They’ve said they’re gonna work on making at least 2 planes a year now so it might not be too far off and the wait will be more than worth it.

I think if you want a 172, the WB-Sim is good enough for now, but the 182 (to me, at least) is a really awesome plane that needs to be made by a really awesome dev. Carenado is nowhere near the level of A2A imo.

Well for $20 the 182RG will tide most over for the wait. It’s decent enough for the available high wing singles. Cessna high wing singles are not very dynamic even at the highest fidelity. Set the flaps and trim and give it throttle and it will take off.

I personally believe anyone whom ever intends to fly an analog ga twin and skips the 414 on sale is a fool.

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You think there’s a good chance we’ll see another A2A before FS2024?

A2A have also indicated that they would do NEW aircraft, not just the existing line. The Comanche was more or less an exception to learn MSFS. There is no reason ar this point to expect a C172 feom A2A and certainly not within the next year or two.

This is all just guess work isn’t it. Only A2A know what’s coming next and I’m sure they’ll tell us when they are good and ready.

  • WBSim C172
  • Commanche
  • WBSim C152
  • BlackBox Bulldog. An underrated beauty, despite the “leaves more to be desired” cockpit textures.

As long as they don‘t announce new addons everything is guessed. But I think it was Lewis who said that they don‘t plan to bring the old fleet, they wanted to create new planes.

Now another guess: at one poikt they said the new Accusim model would allow to develop turboprops and even helicopters. So we might get quite surprised with their next choices. And keep in mind, there is the Aerostar still somewhere out, never had a twin from them. I personally think the Cessnas have been covered extensively at that point, plenty in P3D and XP, now with WB. I wouldn‘t spend money on another one. LOL in RL I don‘t fly it anymore because almost 200€/h is too expensive and in the sim I find it boring :sweat_smile: