Struggling with frames in VR

Hey guys,

I tried a lot with my HP Reverb G2 headset, I also read articles in this forum, but all the tricks made it worse.

My specs: i9-11900K, NVidia Geforce RTW 3060 ti, 32 Gb RAM.

I have the latest NVIDIA-driver, all the settings within the NVIDIA control panel are default.

I installed OpenXR tools as well as toolkit.

Within MSFS my settings are pretty much lowered as much as I could (Rendering scale, Level of object etc all at 100, no Ultra except Terrain pre-caching), but with the Fenix A320 on an 3rd party Airport (simwings EDDM) the absolut max of frames is 25. The GPU load is at 100% all the time, while CPU has 30% tops. In this state openXR settings are completely default, except I disabled the Motion reprojection.

But when I try to set the Rendering scale in MSFS to 50 and OXR to 200 as recommended by many, my frames count drops to 6… Is there anything I have to set up in the OXR settings panel too (the one in magenta colour)?

You have relatively weak GPU. Keep your resolution reasonable. Consider enabling DLSS in the sim. Keep 100% in the OpenXR Developer Tool, your GPU will rather not handle anything higher (this setting affects the generated resolution). 25 FPS is in my opinion acceptable in VR. Search for a post in this forum, explaining which sim setting puts load on GPU (consider lowering it) and which on CPU. You won’t be able to max the CPU utilisation, as MSFS2022 is not optimized to evenly load all cores. You can also consider enabling fixed foveated rendering in the OXR Toolkit.

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You sound very GPU limited. I had similar specs to you awhile ago but upgraded to a 4090 and a 13900k. My FPS in VR are in the high 40s with the latest su11 which is a horrible update for performance. I run Dlss and open XR at 200%, everything is smooth and sharp. I used to get in the high 50s with the previous version of the sim.

If you don’t upgrade you arnt going to get more performance even with open XR. This sim isn’t cheap to run well. Oh and 25 FPS isn’t acceptable in VR for me and most others. Especially if you are turning at a high rate of speed. Also don’t run DX 12. It will hurt you in your situation. I personally can’t stand motion reprojection but that could help you a little bit. Worth a try.

Maybe you can find a used 3080 ti. I had that card before I got the 4090 and it gave me pretty good performance in VR. If you can afford to throw some money at, it its worth it. I hope the next update optimizes the sim better.

DLSS gives me much better frames as well, but all my displays in the A320 get blurry…

Nothing is free. All that upscaling and downscaling costs.
My settings for my G2 are working pretty good.
OpenXR: 75% custom resolution.
WMR: Best Quality Highest Resolution, 90hz.
OpenXR Toolkit: 100% CAS, Set World Scale to match your Inter Pupil Distance. Reduce Field of view to 90 degrees. Shaking reduction is good too as well as Foveated Rendering and Eye tracking, if your headset supports it.
Game settings, TAA 100% (CAS is designed to work with TAA), DX11 (DX12 is still beta).

If you select quality for DLSS and back it up with OPEN XR at 200% scaling, it will look sharp and pretty clear. There is some minor ghosting but it’s the best I can do at the moment.

So you mean inside MSFS I change to DLSS quality (depth and move?) und inside OpenXR-Tools I use a custom Rendering scale of 200%? Should I change anything inside the Toolkit menu of OXR too?

3060 ti driving a Reverb G2? Get over it, that combo is a no-win scenario. Take your choice: fuzzy low res instruments and (nearly) playable frame rates (30+) or instruments you can read without zooming in and somewhat less than smooth frame rates (20 or so). There is no perfect middle ground. I got a 3080 ti driving a G2 and even that requires some image quality sacrifices to get decent frame rates.

I too have a 3060TI with a G2. It is absolutely amazing.

Will I upgrade? Yes, and soon, but to say it’s a no-win scenario is just not true. It is still 10x more immersive than flying pancake. 30fps is fine once you get used to it. Not everyone can buy 4090s.

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What settings do you use?

These days I use OpenXR custom scale at 125%, inside the game TAA at 60/65 (unfortunately not DLSS it’s smearing like hell in glass cockpits), everything else pretty std., 100 LODs, high textures, medium clouds. and med. glass refresh rate. All other settings I’ve found have negligible impact.

I got slightly better perf/visual tradeof with various settings in OpenXR toolkit, but it’s too unstable for me, each time entering/exiting VR is a gamble, whereas without it it’s rock solid. So I don’t use it ATM.

I mostly fly GA, but I do fly the Fenix too in VR (but that is borderline perf wise lol)

Consider reading this post (from a super experienced user) suggesting gauge refresh rate high for better FPS:

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Interesting thanks, I hadn’t see that, when I get time I’ll experiment. Does it work for you?

To be helpful this time (vs dismissive), first off I suggest you set the “OpenXR Tools for WMR” app’s Custom render scale to 100 and don’t worry about setting it to anything else at this time. The MSFS graphics setting you gave in your OP look fine. If you are not using glass panel cockpits or the GP smearing isn’t an issue for you, use AA DLSS performance (or ultra performance). These two settings will progressive give you better FPS at the cost of decreasing image clarity. Any higher setting will overtax your gcard; btw I mostly use balanced with my 3080 ti. If GP smearing is an issue for you, use AA TAA (or OFF) with a Render Scale of 60. Surprisingly I find OFF gives the best instrument panel clarity but at a cost of some jaggies elsewhere. If the AMD FIDELITYFX SHARPING is available use 100. IMO either of these two AA modes’ settings are a good base for experimenting (as in tuning) as to what works best for you in terms of image quality vs frame rate. Try tweaking the setting I gave, either up and down, and see their effect (doing is learning). The basic rule of thumb here: the higher the resolution (scaling) the more focused the image quality though the lower the FPS. Hope you find your “sweet spot” with your G2.

One more thing: using your actual IPD for that G2 adjustment is necessary for the sharpest image quality, speaking from first hand experience (had mine wrong initially).