Stuck at 68% MSFS2024 (PC)

I tried again with the “repair the gaming services” process. Nothing changed… The thing that bugs me the most is that this is an intermittent problem, sometimes the loading process ends successfully, and other times it hangs at 68%.

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Quick ask. If anyone gets stuck on 68% can you check the wait chain of the msfs2024 exe file in task manager? Mine is waiting on a service (hence getting stuck). It’d be useful to know if it’s the same for everyone.

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nice idea, I’ll try that.

… but no news. The game is stuck at 68%, and the waiting chain analyzer shows that “FlightSimulator2024.exe is executing normally”.


Thanks. That’s useful to know (that I’m going down following another wild goose) :slight_smile:

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Here we go again, after a week that everything worked today without doing anything different I’m stuck at 68% again.
I tried to see the process as suggested by DRW1g and indeed the process seems to be waiting for a service, to be precise:

Now why does this happen? I’m not a computer scientist but someone up there in support should check this.

The suggestion to repair the game services was of no use, in my case.


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It is very frustating, I’m very tired of this game that loads the 5% of the times!!! The only solution that works for me is to reset the game, but I can’t live with it, so probably I will uninstall this game (which I love) waiting for better times (years???).


Hey All. After 2 months of following forums and learning how to not fix this. . . I’ve stumbled onto something that’s consistently getting me past 68% lol.
First, I uninstalled both 2020 & 2024 msf programs.
Then I uninstalled the XBox app.
Next was rooting thru my C: drive to find and delete any residual folders related to the (3) uninstalled programs.
After that, I accessed the appdata folder for EACH user and cleared the residuals as well as any temp files.
Once I was confident that I got them all, I used CC cleaner to clean the registry. This can be done manually - but it’s very dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing!
I then reinstalled 2024, and it ran great. . . the first time. 2nd load stalled at 68% again.
I was to the point that I didn’t care anymore, so I went back to the appdata folder and deleted the folder containing most of the content, launched the app, and it freaking loaded perfect. Also, my settings, progress & user info were still intact. I went a couple more rounds of 2nd launch fails, deleting, and then success - which was the first time this program has launched consistently.
I’m currently going thu the process of deleting individual subfolders in order to isolate the problem file/folder.
I’m curious now whether all of that was necessary. I would suggest to clearing the user data for all users as well as cleaning the registry. But at a minimum delete the folder shown below. It will all reload during the activating packages phase of the launch. Let me know if it works.


DrW1g I set it up to hang, and wait chain reports it’s running normally.

In all fairness - for the past couple months this IS normal bahaha.
I found something that has been consistently working for me. I’m still working on it, but if it pans out, I’ve got a couple tricks up my sleeve

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Deleting the directory in %appdata% never made it for me.

Y’all, pretty please… if you haven’t already done that, please upvote the issue at Loading gets stuck at 68% so maybe we get some chances to have this problem looked at. Thanks!

Y’all, looks like a workaround has been found. Kudos to @SquatterHippo69, see their brilliant proposal at Loading gets stuck at 68% - #48 by SquatterHippo69 and

First I went into Nvidia Control Panel, and tried setting my Max Frame Rate to 60fps. I loaded the sim, and the video was really jittery but the game did load a lot faster, but still got stuck at 68%. So I turned max frame rate off, set Vsync to off, and downloaded and installed Riva Tuner. From here I tried setting my Frame Rate Limit to 60FPS as a test, and reloaded the Sim. It loaded really fast and the Video was smooth, but it got past the 68%!
So, If I use Riva Tuner and set my Max Frame Rate to 60 FPS, game loads in around 5 to 6 minutes.

If I use Riva Tuner and set my Max Frame Rate to 30 FPS, Games Loads in under 3 minutes.

So what I do now, is Set the Max Frame Rate to 30 FPS and let the game load normally.
As you can adjust on the Fly with Riva Tuner, After the game has loaded, I turned the option off.

With no Frame Rate Set, my CPU is tanking at 100%

With it set to 30FPS, when the game is loading the CPU is running around 64% to 68%, so it has overhead.


I concur. I was able to load the sim 4 times in a row, and loading is MUCH faster. Seems like we have a good workaround, finally :smiley:

Rivatuner for the win! I wonder why limiting the frame rate in the NVidia app has the opposite effect on loading time!



Agreed…the Rivatuner thing works. Set it at 60FPS, starts normally. Ok, Asobo, we figured it out. NOW FIX IT!

After two months of nightmare stuck at 68%, trying every tips from the forums, by accident, today, i tried to launch the game trough NvidiaApp, and…Boooom.
Started like a charm.

So… If your MSFS2024 is recognized by NvidiaApp, just go to NvidiaApp, next go to Graphics, click on the 3 dots near where you Optimize the game( a green rectangle), and hit PLAY. The game start from there.
I don`t know why it is not loading from every shortcut I´ve created, from Xbox, and from the application folder.
I noticed that were no suspend or terminated services run on Task Manager.

I hope that this help
It worked for me

Did you have automatic game optimization enabled in the Nvidia app, or did you optimize manually?

I have wasted hours waiting at 68% and cannot offer a solution. As a simmer of many years I am so disappointed that Asobo cannot give us a working sim. The only software that worked without a glitch was that which took my money. Back to 2020!

I tried the riva tuner trick with 30fps on the flightsimulator24.exe and it worked twice…(after loosing nearly an hour without being able to load…) I will try tomorrow again and report here…I hope it will make it
Thanks everyone !!! :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I can confirm that the last 20ish executions all ran correctly. The Riva Tuner workaround indeed works.

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My rig has an I5 7600k Overclocked to 4.8 Ghz, an Nvidia 3060TI, and 64 GIGs RAM. I fly around San Diego mostly. After the Rivatuner fix, the ■■■■ thing actually starts, I’m getting 50-72 FPS over the city in the Cessna 152. This is with the Nvidia optimization settings on. Weirdly, the video card is working harder than the old processor while flying around per the Nvidia alt-Z numbers.
I don’t understand the 68% deal cause at all. But It works now. FWIW.