Stuck on "checking update"

I think server is down, got cdt and now stuck on searching foe updates

don´t repair on steam, you have to download the whole ■■■■

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same here, something must be up with the servers considering the amount of comments saying the same in the last few minutes…oh well don’t have time to fly today now lol

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not really related to " checking updates " screen …

game is now loading again

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I’m not tech person but it sounds like a connection/server issue?

“Checking for updates” for 5 minutes, now it’s ok, game running as usual

Canada here!! Was fine this morning - but this afternoon is no go update screen…


Same here all evening today.

Was stuck on “Checking for Updates” screen for a while. Ended task, restarted Steam, was stuck on the “Checking for updates” screen for so long I searched for this thread. I started to make this post and it finally got past the checking for updates screen but now the other loading screen after seems to be taking a super long time as well.

Come on man!


Unfortunately this “checking for updates” issue has been happening way too often the past couple weeks.

Asobo needs to implement a timeout, if after 1 minute it can’t get past it, just go past and work in offline mode. That way at least people will still be able to use the sim.


I’ve never had this problem before, and I’m currently stuck checking for updates.


Servers are taking a dump it would seem.

It just came back up!!!

Stewardesses is the longest word you can type using just your left hand(when typing correctly).

I am just buying time until my sim loads.

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maybe the post a msg in this forum like " sorry guys we have server problems should be solved soon "


Yes I’m getting it too have been stuck on checking updates for over 30 mins , restarted PC, restarted router, logged out and back in to Xbox app, have removed community folder but just stuck on checking for updates screen.

I did sign out of PC with it still stuck on the updates screen and that forced it to offer me the safe mode startup next time I tried but that didn’t help either.

Only thing I did yesterday was install the latest Nvidia driver but that was working fine all of yesterday.


Uo now about 5 minutes after my post…

It’s not on your end.

If anyone is still having this, visit the status page below, and use the “Report” button on the right to let them know MSFS isn’t working.

Now that I post this it just flipped past that screen, and is showing the “New Activities” loading screen.