Found a working “solution” (workaround) elsewhere on this forum: my network was too fast and MSFS could not handle it. Stupid I know. So got Netlimiter 4, set a max speed of 4MBps or so, and the update download is now in progress. Good luck guys! So yeah, seriously, my line was too fast.
My middle-of-nowhere connection IS 4MB/s and I still get the issue, though I will try lowering the speed. Thanks!
Well, here I am now… So far it has downloaded around 9gb and it has not passed 11% of the current file.
Every time it “resets” the download I can see that turns red, disappears and the reappears and continues download again.
Im no good at these things, so I dont know what is going on, but at this rate it will take me just short of forever to get the patch done…
I sent a ticket for Zendesk some hours ago… I use a wireless internet and I’m on my second day trying to download and i’m still getting this looping too.
5 hours so far and not past 002
I see you are using the NetLimiter but you are not turning it on, when flightsimulator.exe is clicked, on right side click Not set of Limit In under Rules and enter says 500, you will see your download speed drop into a constant stream instead of zip zap pattern, and you should be able to finish the update, slow but it worked for me. Asobo should rewrite the net client code to resume download instead dumpling the the whole thing when time out or overflow happen, or chop those gigabytes files into smaller chunk or even ask Microsoft to use their Windows background services.
mine redownloaded the whole game. Got to 83GB after SIXTEEN hours. Then it fell back to 36GB, that is with the download speed limited. More than slightly fed up now
I’ve set the download speed to max 700kb/s and it has made a huge difference. Since the change it has not “Reset” the download.
Hoping this gets it through the whole download and that ASOBO makes some changes to it, cause this is just bonkers
I am 3 days in with the same looping. I have reported this on Zendesk - obviously no response. I can’t see any acknowledgement that this issue exists and am not expecting anything soon. I am looking for a refund (Steam) but that is unlikely. This is my first flight sim and I loved it prior to this farce.
Throttle and stick are on eBay and I am back to driving sims where updates download and work and in some cases are optional so people can test first - What a revolutionary idea!
I must have read 20 threads all about this exact same issue… MSFS starts to download part of the patch, it gets some of it downloaded & then something goes wrong & it starts over… & over… & over. Endless loop, never seems to make any progress. I’ve tried all sorts of nonsense…
- Start/stop patch download
- Restart the sim
- Run the sim as administrator
- Command Prompt trick: “netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal”
- Use wired Internet not WiFi
- Disable real time antivirus
- Disable real time backup software
- Try another location for the Packages folder
- Try another drive for the Packages folder
- Delete rolling cache
- Uninstall the sim
- Reinstall the sim
- Stand on one leg & pull hair out
Nothing is working. Since the patch I can’t use the sim.
Mine is still downloading without “resetting” the download. It is slow as f… but atleast it is still going.
I am going to let “keep on trucking” over night and tomorrow.
If all goes well, I’ll report back here, but then again, who knows if it will even work for others.
ps. using NetLimiter 4 Lite to restrick download to 1mb/s.
Okay I’m giving Net Limiter a try. I have restricted MSFS to 1MBs download speed & I must admit this is looking promising. It’s not resetting as it was when I was downloading at 20MBs. But at this speed its going to take a very long time to get the sim reinstalled. Thank you for the suggestion. So far so good.
Mine finally installed after days of trying. The netlimiter trick worked, set to 1.5MB/s. Silly that is has to be done and I also have to use it to download stuff from the marketplace. Hopefully this is fixed because I have seen loads of threads talking about these issues.
Well, finally done and in the game again… Thats 4 days of unneeded trouble. Surely hope Asobo fixes this before next patch.
Downloaded with 1,5mb/s…
I was able to get away with 2MB/s download using Net Limiter. Finally completed the download this evening. A big thank you for the suggestion. Got me back in the air!
I gotta say I’m so disappointed bought this in august it would NOT install.
Tried everything online as far as troubleshooting.
Every two weeks or so I tweet at the devs once and boot it up to install.
Today it really got my hopes up, but hung on the same issue everyone having here.
I’d really like to play this game …
I’ll try and let it go overnight.
Edit- trying net limiter. I set it to 1.5 up and down high priority.
It seems stuck around 180-260 bytes/second . So I guess it’s downloading something afterall. Maybe it will eventually finish in 4-6 hours .
It is necessary to have a lot of patience which is one of the cardinal virtues!
Then do not forget to change the parameters to remove “Azur”.
Finally, I was able to make some nice flights today (Santorini Athens at sunset, it’s beautiful).
Courage and high hearts!
Yesterday i tried using my cellphone’s internet 4G into my PC… And WTF!? Finally, it worked normally!
It’s the most ■■■■■■ Experience that i ever had in my entire life, ■■■■ man, 5 days waitting, waiting and waiting Now it is ■■■■■■ Decompressing i did clear the patches and changed rhe rigon… Still waitting,???