I now think I face the same issue as you:
- With the MSFS “working”, put “something” in the community folder => MSFS not starting
- Remove all the community folder => MSFS still not starting
- Perform the sequence “disconnect from MS store / reboot / reconnect” seems to help putting back MSFS in a “working” state
I looks like something is the FBW A320 also in my case: my SIM is presently running with all the Community folder restored BUT the FBW mod …
Let me validate the hypothesis …
Since it is still working with FBW restored and after reboot, maybe I was wrong and this is not the same issue.
Accurate sequence was:
- MSFS was “working”, but “something" broke, resulting in MSFS not starting anymore
- Remove all the community folder => MSFS still not starting
- Perform the sequence “disconnect from MS store / reboot / reconnect” seems to help putting back MSFS in a “working” state
- Restore all the Community folder (precisely: DHC6, then several DHC6 liveries, then FBW A320) => MSFS still starting
- Reboot, MSFS still starting
I’m still not able to figure out the exact triggers that breaks the sim. Let’s hope the sequence above is enough to recover, will try on next occurence …
After this update I am NOT able tu run the game, please Anybody can HELP???
I ‘ve already had this issue…
The sim’ worked only with data offline EXCEPT the FBW which didn’t finished to load.
Nothing worked with data online.
After disconnecting from MSSTORE, reboot and reconnect, the sim’ worked again.
Is this the same issue for you ?
OK, let summaryse, for me, today, the sim… well work fine without ANY thing in community folder except FSUIPC.
Now i’ve install FBW in stable branch… test PASSED !
Now i go back to windows and restart and failed…
P.S : i’ve the steam version
Did you tried with all data offline ?
Well i don’t how to switch offline mode ?
So I just finish a flight in FBW dev mode. I don’t know why the sim work… I’ve remark that the sim work well on afternoon and not at night ?
Depend on your location, but it’s typically a server problem. It’s not from your side.
To switch offline, go to options, general, data and switch all online data to off.
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When I try to load a plane anywhere in the world, it won’t load. If it ever loads which is over an hour, the button fly now doesn’t work. It just freezes on that screen. I tried rolling graphics card driver back, taking everything out of the community folder, uninstalling anything installed recently.
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
After further testing:
- Problem is not caused specifically by FBW A320: it is completely reproduced without it.
- Recovery process (disconnect from ms store, reboot, reconnect to store) seems to work, only it may need to be repeated several times to work properly (tonight it worked on the 3rd attempt
=> tends to confirm the server issue, do you know if such issue has already been reported to MS/Asobo?
=> next steps: investigate the offline data settings …
Hello, for me the problem has gone.
The only thing I have is the community folder not working properly… In fact it work, but the community folder is D://games/MSFS/etc is not the real communityu folder. The real is in C:/users/myusername/roaming/etc… does anybody knows how too change the location ?
However, I don’t knows why and how the sim work again
Where the Community folder is, is not important. Important is, that the usercfg. opt directs to it.
And if you write, it is working(you can see the addons in the Sim), everything is fine. If you should have any questions, please let me know via PM
I get stuck on the flight loading screen now.
Made no changes to anything.
Logged out and in to Xbox app, and Store. no luck.
Probably some background windows update or something.
Thank you using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Hi guys, I’m running the store (non-steam) version, my simulator doesn’t start and this morning it was working perfectly, I didn’t install anything.
The simulator freezes for about 10 minutes in “search for updates”, after that it loads the blue bar but doesn’t start, I tried everything to fix it but nothing worked
@AL3SSANDR01922 did you try to follow the check list ?
Especially the parts:
- Move your community folder
- Sign out of MS Store
- Reboot
- Sign in back
In my own expecience, it helped, even if it didn’t work all the time (in some cases I had to do this operation several times)
On the good side, I don’t know what changed, but since two days, the problem seems solved… The game started without any issues the last couple of tries (and I was even able to fly
). I also noticed a dramatic improvement when flying with friends (able to create a group without issues, no random disconnects, was stableduring the full flight …). Let’s hope the issue is really fixed !
I had similar symptoms. MSFS would get “stuck” on the final splash page when loading, “New Activities” (or something to that effect.) In my case, I was having issues with my ethernet. The download speeds were fine - well over 200 Mbps. But, the upload speed was less than 1 Mbps. I switched to WiFi where the upload speed was equal to download, and I haven’t had a problem since then.
Note: some speed tests are testing rates from your router to a remote server. Make sure you are testing the rate down to the PC. I searched for “speed test” and used the first link.
The same happened to me and I managed to fix it, after losing probably like 2 days of pure waiting and wasting energy keeping the computer with the game ON.
In my case, the failure was because of some corrupted files (I attach a picture).
I couldn’t access, copy, delete, nothing with these files so, to discover which were the corrupt ones I:
- CUT (not copy) the complete MicrosoftFlightSimulator folder to another disk.
- when I received the error "certain file can’t be accessed because of disk error, etc., I just tick the box [x] do this for all files and Skipp.
- the remaining folders / files in the origin are the corrupt ones (in my case, none was accessible, always recevied the error reading the origin or disk message.
- I couldn’t delete these folders not even with CMD or powershell, chkdsk, etc., so I just did the basic thing, restarted PC, then it wouldn’t work either so I started renaming the main folder, just adding an underscore to the name, then the same with the inner folder, the same with the inner folders… then I tried to delete them and it magically allowed me to delete them.
Now I cut and move the folder back into the steam folder, restarted steam, went over the game and hit right click > properties > local files > validate all files. Once it finished I started the game and it worked.
I can get through all the options for choosing a plane, airport but when I select the fly button on the world map screen. It doesn’t matter aircraft I choose, the sim loads about 60 or 70% and freezes. I’ve done the checklist for disconnect and reconnect through the App Store, updated my nvida drivers even tried the safe mode in msfs. Safe mode tells me low bandwidth which I think is ridiculous considering I have the fastest AT&T offers. But I’ll run another speed check. I do have the FBW but if that’s the culprit then I’ll be happy to delete that all together. I’ve read everyone’s posts and doesn’t seem to be a clear solution to this nor do I think Asobo really cares. If I were to walk in a hangar and msfs2020 was a plane at this point I’d call it a hangar queen. Just sitting in a tail dock with panels open
I have the same problem. I can’t use the simulator in this way.