What? This is the thread. This thread. All of it.
I would mess with traffic settings:
I’m very thankful that it was… I missed it the first time! Saw this today and started tweaking based on your advice. Man, what an eye opener.
The process you laid out makes a lot of sense. Thank you for clearly explaining it.
I’m getting smooth visuals with barely any stutters at all. Huge improvement. And I’m still experimenting.
Thank you so much! Greatly appreciated!
You’re welcome, glad I could help! Have fun getting it just the way you want it!
I’m confused about some of the descriptions used for the elements in the Dev Mode FPS Counter. When trying to get the “GPU Load” to 32mS, I’m not sure which parameter to check.
There’s a “RdrThread” below “MainThread” and a “GPU” under “CoherentGTUIThread”, so I guess it’s one of those.
Can you clarify which latency parameter should be 32ms or less?
Its the GPU entry which you have in Red at the bottom - 65.6 ms. You are trying to get that to be about 32 ms as that aligns with 30 frames/sec (1000/30) so you need to reduce load on your graphics card e.g. reduce screen resolution or render scale. If I have understood the method properly you are aiming for about 32ms, not less than 32 ms, as the point is to create a regular screen update cycle with time for mainthread to keep up its cycles within that.
Lower your screen setting and also lower secondaryscaling in usercfg.opt
Ignore the top window displaying 16.5
The 2 windpows to look at are:
MainThread (yours 22.8 presently)
GPU (yours 65.6)
out of interest what monitor do you have for the sim to be displaying 7756x1440 and what setting did you have render scaling at as this looks wayyyyy too high which is causing that insane 65.6
adjust ALL your settings to the highest level youd like to get…
Turn VSYNC on set to 30
These are the ones Grabber523 is referring too
Once you have set all the others to your liking…and grabber recommends as high as possible
set your render scale to 100%
and both your level of detail sliders to the same value…try 150 as a start.
do this whilst on the ground in the cockpit of maybe the cessna 172 at a busy detailed airport
look at the two areas on your dev screen…the mainthread and gpu
if your main is mainly red…adjust level of detail sliders back a bit
look at your gpu…the aim is to get around 32ms
if the figure is lower…increase the render scaling up by 5% and save and resume
look at the figures again…dont concern yourself with the numerical figure in main thread…just want it yellow…if still red…slide the level of detail back a little more
each time check the gpu figure,if youre climbing closer to 32 great…
takes a little playing back and forth
eventually you should see a new render scaling shown at the top and the actual size your screen is set to. This scaling along with the other settings you chose at the beginning forces the main load to be on the gpu and NOT the cpu…
the cpu can play catchup with the over head youve given it thus making your sim very smooth.
Also, I would switch back to DX11 until Asobo gets that figured out. DX12 in MSFS is not even close to optimized and is a test release only, per the developers. That alone will get your GPU latency down to a more manageable level and make the tuning much easier.
I’m trying to follow the guide. I had max fps to 30 in the global and program sections in the nvcp.
I’ve turned both max fps off and turned vsynch on in global and program. I can’t set the fps in the simulator. Thanks to anyone who can help me
Vsynch must be on in the sim to set FPS in the sim.
Thanks for help .I have synch is on in sim. Fps at 30 but doesn’t work
I miss traffic. Had to set to 0 to get GPU limited. Can’t get GPU ms any higher than 14. Set render to 150 and lods to 50. All on high with dx11. Fps set to 30 in nvcp can’t get it to set in the simulator. Sharpening set at 15. Native resolution 1920x1080 set via nvidia to 1477x831. Rolled back 497.29 because of ctds on landing. All green in developer but at last GPU limited.
I7 10700K
16gb ram
RTX 2080 super
Seem to have decreased slight stutters
What is your Virtual Memory set for?
With 16MB ram (like me) VM settings can help.
Using nvcp to lower your resolution while increasing render scaling is canceling the effective render scaling. You have a 2080 super. Max out graphics settings (everything but LODs), set nvcp to native resolution, THEN increase render scaling.
OR, if you really want to get fancy, use DSR set to 4 in nvcp, sharpening at 100, which will give you the option to select 4k resolution in game. Once you have that resolution set in the sim, you can lower your render scaling down from 4k to set your GPU latency. I did that for over a year while I was still using a 1080p monitor with a 3060ti.
But max your graphics settings sliders before messing with resolution scaling. The point of my method is to eliminate things to adjust by isolating a single variable with the GPU and CPU dependent settings.
In the case of the GPU, the single variable you want left to mess with is render scale, so maxing everything out first leaves just ONE setting to adjust…which is resolution. Whether you scale down from 4k using DSR or scale up from native 1080p is up to you. I prefer the downscaling with DSR method, but not everyone has a nvidia card, so I don’t normally suggest it.
And don’t worry…once your GPU latency is set, you will be able to bring back LODs and traffic (a little), and still stay under steady mainthread limited conditions. You just have to make room for them by getting that GPU latency up.
As far as setting vsync…if you have a high refresh rate (120 fps) monitor, the vsync will act as a percentage. So vsync at 60 will give you 120, 30 will give you 60, 20 will give you 40. If you want the sim to give you 30 fps with vsync set to 30 in game, you have to limit your frame rate in the windows display settings. Set the refresh rate to 60 in windows display properties, and the in game vsync will give you the value you select.
Thank you so much for your help. I’ll post my results
You’re a genius! Thank you!! Like you said I don’t know how you haven’t gotten more visibility sooner. Quick question I have one red tick every couple of seconds when steady but get a lot more when panning around. My main thread when steady is at about 30ms and GPU is between 30-32.
Is panning around or starting a takeoff roll supposed to bring up more red ticks and is my main thread still too high on latency? They stabilize after a while but when I hit some heavy scenery from the outside view my GPU latency goes way up. I hit almost 100ms on my GPU taking off from Atlanta in this winter storm. I was looking at it from the external view.
Also any recommended settings for NVCP?
R7 3700x
64GB Ram
Thanks! It seems like, after a very long time, people are finally starting to understand my message.
The occasional red tick isn’t anything to worry about; you’ll get those from traffic appearing, scenery loading, etc. As long as you aren’t noticing stutters with the fps counter off, there is no reason to spend the time chasing down every red tick. You cannot get rid of all of them.
Panning around is going to fall on you and how far you want to take your settings down. I personally can live just fine with the occasional blip when panning in the pattern in favor of higher LODs. Others may not be.
All I am doing is giving you the information so that you can make that decision for yourselves.
If you are only experiencing high GPU latency with clouds, and only clouds, and every other scenario you encounter does not give you the same extreme GPU load, then it is safe to say you need to take your volumetric clouds, and only volumetric clouds, down a notch, then observe the change. You don’t want to reduce all of your settings, because then your GPU load drops, your CPU headroom drops, and you’re back to mainthread limited conditions. Does that make sense?
As far as nvcp goes, that’s up to you what you want to do with that. Aside from image scaling and dynamic super resolution, most of the other settings are covered by the in-game options. Keep fxaa and mfaa off, for sure. I prefer the in-game vsync, rather than capping frames in nvcp. Other than that, the other settings you can play with and see if it makes a difference.
Thanks! Will play around with it some more!
Thanks for your help and interest in my configuration. It’s very much appreciated.
I use 3 displays each with 2560x1440 resolution using Nvidia Surround to give 7756x1440 (with Bezel Correction). My Render Scaling is 70% to give me an effective resolution of 5429x1008
I’ve adjusted the settings… But, have yet to see how it performs!
Edit The reduced resolution renders a bit blurry. WIll try a higher Render Scale and reduce other settings to keep GPU as close to 32ms as possible!