SU10 been postponed?

There is light at the end of the tunnel; i see suddenly many raving reports (“best perf ever”) about the last beta on dx11. The few weeks extra will, for me, at least a hopeful few weeks!

I with you it’s comes when it comes better a bug free update then a whole set off new problems.
We don’t need to go backwards.

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Totally with you my friend. I am also disappointed that after all this time, I still can’t play this sim to it’s full potential. Those of us that are still having serious problems and having to disable functions in order to at least fly something really need a fix soon. However, we do need to be patient as you say, and hopefully, su10 will fix most things. I am a little sceptical bearing in mind that previous sim updates appear to have caused some of the issues. I am prepared to wait for su10 and to give it a fair chance, FINGERS CROSSED.

Yes! Take your time Asobo.
Better to listen to our complaints about the delay than all our harresment about another bugfull update.
When developing a single software as complicated as a flightsim for different platforms, I guess this is bound to happen. Havent made it easy for themself doing it this way.
Ill wait. No problem


yes good idea to hold back.

For the impatient people in this thread: the beta is open and free to try. And after yesterdays update, is apparently running very well! Haven’t been able to try the update yet myself, but the prior updates were running fairly well for me; certainly better than SU9.


I am happy with current version so far, works great for me.

I do feel sorry for those that have to wait a bit longer for the SU10 to come out, but think, better later and good than a bumpy update. I did tried the Beta Update and I´m enjoying it very much, it works fine.
Let them work their magic and delivered a good final product.
Happy flying.

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who still thinks even after those few weeks this update will come without bugs, think again.

they are trying to minimize them and thats all

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I only hope that they fix the CTDs…
This is what they should focus on!!

This is indeed by far the biggest issue - t least for those who have CTD!

My whish in comparison is rather humble: fix the ATC window issue in VR :slight_smile:

Never had a CTD since Day 1 until I started adding 3rd party add-ons.

My intuition agrees with you. If we think for a moment its all gonna go away and be completely fixed…we would be thinking unrealistically. I don’t have confidence in SU10 right now :pensive: SU10 beta has confirmed that. People here have had, and are having issues with it. All signs point to: “here we go again”. This is why I am in “offline” mode permanently till the day comes when there are no fixes or bugs in the machine so to speak. I’m a casual simmer and the “offline” scenery is enough for me to have some eye candy while flying around. I’m ok with that. :+1:

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You’re not wrong. I’m pretty sure folks at MS decreed that FSX code base would be built upon to save time. It got the initial release of the sim out the door a lot faster. But that created a lot of problems and now it’s creating a lot more work as this code needs to be removed and replaced. The nav system (being replaced currently by WT), traffic AI, and ATC system is all FSX code, and those are easily some of the worst parts of the sim.

The latest .16 SU10 beta build is back on part with SU9 in terms of performance, which in itself is a step down from the SU7 performance. So it’s not “faster”. They just reverted / fixed whatever they broke in the beta 2+ builds and brought it back to the same levels as the public build, which itself isn’t the best in terms of performance. However, they did reduce some of the stutters and optimized code to make it less strenuous on the main thread, which is nice. It’s a step in the right direction without a doubt.

That initial .09 SU10 build is still by and large the best performing build of MSFS since the sim actually launched. Not necessarily in terms of max fps, but in terms of frame consistency and much higher lows when in busy areas. I did a lot of flying in busy areas to test performance on that build with both DX11 and DX12. Never dropped below 35 fps anywhere in the air or on the ground, regardless of where I was. With the current beta build, I’m still seeing dips into the low to mid 20s with stuttering in heavy areas, regardless of my settings.


Thank you. I read everything I can on the forums and keep track of it more than I fly sometimes. I’m very thorough in my research and reading. This way I try to stay accurate in my statements and posts, or as much as I can be. But sometimes I sit corrected and that’s ok too. Knowledge is power they say. :+1:

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I have not done a quantitative evaluation of latency or stutter, but I have done my own evaluation of 1.27.09 and 1.27.16 to the same scenario.

I would describe it as at least recovering from the progressive deterioration of the frame rate that occurred between 1.27.10-15, and faster than the previous fast builds. In my scenario it was faster than 09.

Of course, I agree that software should be continuously improved.
I also agree that it is definitely the right direction.
As for the current 1.27.16 build, Asobo is primarily focused on DX11 changes and the survey was also about DX11 performance.

I am one of those who would like to see improvements in stutter and minimum FPS, as that would improve QoL.

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Yeah, it’s a big improvement and I’m happy to see it. It’s still not as smooth as .09 build was for me. Mostly, it’s the lows that are worse, not so much the high end. That original build seemed to have much more consistent frame timings and the minimum frame rates were higher.

Both DX11 and DX12 were great on that initial beta. DX12 was obviously better (artifacts aside) when it came to performance. guess we’ll have to see what they pull out of their hats for DX12 once they get those issues resolved. IN the end, that’s likely what I’ll be using over DX11.

When I have gotten DX11 and DX12 performance as of 1.27.09 in the past in comparable scenarios, DX11 and DX12 showed similar frame rates and DX12 was better in responsiveness.
(I don’t have the equipment to quantify reactivity, so this is not an objective assessment, I’m afraid.)

Like you, I will probably end up using the DX12.

I believe the reason why the SU10 beta period is currently extended is because Asobo is fixing these problems.
I’ll be keeping an eye on that.


yup, at last they care doing it right. Wait until the thing works well. If that means postponing then I think lots of people will be quite happy to accept that. (I hope)

SU9 works fine…take your time with SU10 please!

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