SU15 completely screwed my sim - change of language, all settings and key bindings gone

Installed SU 15 yesterday, and it completely messed up the sim.
The game is all German suddenly (I run the sim in English, but on a German Windows 11), and when I try to launch the sim, it starts as if this were a virgin simulation (access barrier settings, sim settings, difficulty settings, etc.)
Also, all key bindings are gone.
When I change settings, shut down the sim and then relaunch it, all changes are lost.
The sim also wants me to install “necessary updates”, but when I try to do so, I end up with an empty loading screen, and at some point, I have to kill the application via the Task Manager

I got the sim via the MS Store, didn’t have any major issues except for the occasional problem with the XBox Live Services which usually be solved by logging off and on again. The community folder was empty when I installed SU15.
How do I fix this?

I gotta say, I am deeply disappointed that something like this happens with a flagship product this late in its development cycle, published by one of the biggest software producers on the planet. SU15 obviously had some issues as indicated by the delays, but something like this must not happen.

Hope this support topic will help you to retrieve your saved profile:

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My account (PC) showed zero hours flown on updating to SU15. However, on rebooting the PC today (I didn’t fly after the SU15 update yesterday), all was well again.

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Thanks, it turns out that my issue was related to the XBox Gaming Services not being up-to-date. Had to update it, reboot the computer and my profile is back to where it should be.
But seriously, something like this just should not happen.
Anyhow, thanks to everyone who tried to help, and happy flying.

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