SU5, before....and after

This has nothing to do with mods. I didn’t add or remove mods between flights. It happens randomly at most default airports if not all. It’s a bug.

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It’s a bug.

that could be something though of course i tried that:

SU5 screenshot from earlier today, notice the missing buildings left and right

right now (few hours later)




there is this issue in other cities (west of Edinburgh):

It most definitely is a bug… we need professional pest control at this point!

Personally I am glad they toned down the overly pink sunset/sunrise skies. However, that doesn’t mean I like the rendering and detail downgrades. Or the the shadowing and lack on contrast.

Both screenshots are from SU5.

I just meant in general. Every sunset was oversaturated pink. At least in my experience.

Nothing but CTD’s after the latest “HOTFIX!”

Time to put MSFS on the shelf.

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Now you are just making things up. Where in this thread have I made that suggestion?

As for a simple data issue.
Define simple?
Do we know where the missing world update assets are stored? Locally? Streamed?
Did SU5 overwrite locally stored assets with bad generic asset data in error? Did servers get bad asset data? Do servers throttle when congested and serve generic asset data?

Denying that an issue exists does not help understand the cause of the issue and thus stands in the way of resolving the issue.

We could check if this is a streaming issue (ie very low lod that has a hard time updating) by asking someone who never flew there to go offline and fly there.
But last time I went there, I stayed a lot in the area and the building stayed that ugly. The last 3 screenshots above are scary :worried:

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Building density changes for me but never building type.

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled world update UK and no change

I don’t use any cache at all. No rolling cache, no manual cache.
SU5 created a new 8gb rolling cache for me but I disabled and deleted it long before I visited Edinburgh.

Am Sweden based if that makes any difference to which servers might be streaming to me.
(My fastest multiplayer server would normally be auto/western Europe. Oddly Northern Europe always seems slower)

I was flying above Dublin and the exact same issue happens there, no buildings or wrong buildings/very low lod buildings.
I flew for 30min but nothing changed over time. (everything’s on Ultra)


This article refers to, and even links to announcement of, the hotfixes that we already have. The only outstanding item referenced in it, is the ‘pop in’ issue which is slated for the end of the month.

Please excuse me.

But I just don’t seem to understand this before and after Screenshots
and all.

I wonder if the affected areas were, or perhaps even are, candidates for full photogrammetry (they all seem like suitable, major places that don’t have photogrammetry yet) and that has caused an issue with the data download somehow? Or maybe the issue is caused because these places have unique building archetypes that are corrupting the data or causing other data issues?

Strange that is was published on the 8th which was after hot fix 2…got a little excited when said a hot fix Monday or Tuesday…:thinking:

Just lazy journalism, I guess. All too often, these news aggregators simply pick up old articles, change it a little and publish it as new.

Had a decent amount to test out SU5 & the hotfixes now. For me at least, it’s terrible. In general, I’m seeing an increase of 2-5fps more then SU4, but that’s only if i’m not looking around.

Anytime i look around, performance drops massively & stutters. All to see huge amounts of pop-in & a terrible draw distance.

Swapped out SU4 that ran perfectly (for me) & was far better graphically for a few fps gain occasionally. Things like this shouldn’t be allowed so long after launch.


I know the feeling, but of course my mom has dementia.