SU5 graphics quality

It’s degenerated into a complaint thread for people with mods that aren’t compatible along with inferior specs. It will die because MS/ASOBO calls bs. There are literally thousands of people flying with no issues. “You’re” the vocal minority. Most of “us” are just fine. All good.

Inferior specs? mods that aren’t compatible?

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Yes. There are now numerous YT videos on this. It should be common knowledge. has even said they’re purging mods that don’t work that cause conflicts. That’s completely separate from the screenshots from simmers with 1k and 2k cards posting settings with a bunch of ultra in them. Of course that’s going to result in problems. 1k and 2k series cards aren’t “ultra.” We all know this. Stop the cap.

Agree…was everything good until someone start “my porche is better than your volvo”

It kinda is though…

The issue is expecting a Volvo to perform like Porsche. Unrealistic expectations fuel this thread. The proof is in the literally thousands of people with no problems relative to the vocal few who can’t seem to figure out how to get in the air.

Well, I don’t have any idea of what you are stating.

My GTX 1660 TI is running with: (I guess this is what you refer to as a 1k card)
4K Pure Ultra from the FS2020 Graphics screen.
Off screen Terrain Pre-caching = Ultra
UserCfg.opt settings:

  1. Preset = Custom
  2. Obj LoD = 6
  3. Terrain LoD = 6

FS2020 Priority = High
Rolling Cache = 16 GB

You should tell Asobo that this is not Ultra.

I can floor a Toyota Corolla. It’s still a Corolla. I don’t get your point. Flooring a Corolla and a 911 yield different results. I assure you your 1660 will give you many more problems than a 3090 with the same settings. Arguing otherwise is asinine. Otherwise, why isn’t everyone lining up to buy a 1K series card? Clean it up.

I need to put this F-15 down at LAX and head to dinner. Enjoy your evening.

I’m not arguing against a 3090. I want one. Can’t afford it.

Just simply stating that I’m very content with my GTX 1660 TI
and that the 14 to 24 FPS is fine. Smooth graphics.
And excellent detail.

That is all that I have stated.

And, as I said previously, the complaints lack context. Pair the expectations with the specs the user is working with then evaluate the complaint. Nothing wrong with a 1660. I didn’t mean to imply that. The issue is when people complain that a similar card gives them results they’re not pleased with compared to what a higher-end card would yield. Of course it won’t. That’s why a top end 3090 is $2200+ retail. All good…

Have a great evening!

I was responding to someone who asked for my settings. I’m perfectly happy with “just” a 2070 Super, in both 2d (which I rarely use) and VR. Would a 3090 be better? Of course, but I’m not paying scalper pricing for one. I’m holding out for something like a 4070 or 80, and may hold out for a ti or Super. But even then, only if I can get it at MSRP, I refuse to reward scalpers for being scalpers.

But my 2070S is more than good enough for now. Especially after SU5.

If anyone wants a 2080 TI, I have one in my office closet. JK.

Well, I know I just said I was holding out for a 40-series, but if it’s free, it’s for me…

I want it.

This thread ‘died’ a long time ago, along with any reasonable discussion on this entire forum.

Those that loudly complain about “ruined” graphics and “downgraded for Xbox” in the most general terms, without being able to state specifically what their problem actually is. They are firmly in the minority but they certainly make the most noise.

High end or low end hardware, the claims are often the same. Some have genuine issues (which are most often resolvable - either by settings or clearing out poor mods, etc) and others are down to unrealistic expectations, but a lot are just convincing themselves (or being swayed by the noise) that it used to be better before ‘update X’.

Clouds are a case in point. They have been consistently complained about since day one, yet a large number of the complaints claim it was better before the last update - it doesn’t matter WHICH update it was (SU3, WU5, SU5…any of them), there will be complaints it was better before it, though SU5 was by the “worst” because of the anti Xbox snobbery and ridiculous conspiracy theories.

The sim isn’t perfect, but it IS amazingly good - if you have it set up correctly and have realistic expectations from lower hardware.

Those with CTDs and other genuine issues have my sympathy (and I sincerely hope Asobo are giving those top priority) but those who vociferously complain about their perceived (but not realistic) issues, only have my contempt. They simply put me in mind of “THEY TERK ERR JERBS” from the episode of South Park.:roll_eyes::frowning:


Indeed. And I have equally little understanding for those who want to make comparisons “if I bought this car, and they downgraded it”, as if an entertainment product costing less than 150$ were somehow comparable to a car that costs 100 times more. But alas, as we have seen here in the forums, those who shout the loudest, get the most attention and even special treatment.

I just lost 87 francs trying to purchase the premium deluxe upgrade and nobody gives a flying f.


Not true! We care! I hope you get your money back, and you should most definitely chase MSFS support

To get back to the graphic quality, what about the horrible pixilated clouds?

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Anything on the stream about the reduction in graphical quality?


Not really