SU6 ... save your content before updating

Yes …but he is a moderator!! Ans as such be taken slightly more seriously.

It is new to me that navigrapg navdata resides in the community folder.

Have no problem removing the airac cycle, but it is still unclear if the two Navigraph folders in the community folder should stay during update.

The problems arise when people just delete stuff that came with an installer instead of using the apps menu. Some apps leave files in the main install too e.g. in Sim Objects and there’s no guarantee Roaming will find them later or how they will affect other parts of the sim.

True, however maybe discuss with one of the Navigraph team on their official website.

Hahaha the nerves begin


When you install Navigraph, you use their NavData app. Same when you upgrade to the latest AIRAC.

When updating the sim, you should cleanly remove Navigraph before MSFS updates.

See Navigraph’s own technical note on this. I’m a data subscriber myself, this is how I avoid NavData corruption problems which can occur from manual removal outside the app. We have many posts on this board related to this.


Indeed! Its like every sim update is waiting for the birth of a child, you wonder what complications can there be, will there be someone around to sort them out? Will it be a demon spawn from hell, eccetera eccetera

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Also that concept I do understand, but in case apps install things in the community folder AND in other parts of the sim and the two are inter dependant then it is all over the place!!!???

I had the clear impression that what was in the community folder was not linked to any thing else in the sim…that the community folder was read during startup of the sim and the necessary bits put into their respective places during startup and did not leave anything in the sim afterwards…so if starting again but without anything in the community folder the sim would be bare Asobo code.

If that was the case those mods would only need placing in the community folder. However when I looked in sim objects there’s a file belonging to Just Flight there too and I expect it’s the same with most other installed mods.

Navigraph does reside in the Community folder, but the Navigraph installer also makes an entry in the main configuration file instructing MSFS to use the Navigraph nav data instead of the MSFS default NavBlue data.

If you simply delete the Navigraph folders from community, the configuration file will still be pointing to the (now missing) folders in Community. The result will be that the sim will have no nav data at all. The default data will still be there, but MSFS will not know how to find it.

In the case of Navigraph specifically, it is essential to use the Navigraph data manager app to uninstall it from MSFS. Do not just delete the Navigraph folders from Community.

It’s no big deal. Uninstalling Navigraph using the app takes only seconds, and the uninstaller will automatically remove the Navigraph folders from Community in the process.


Thanks HalberQuacky and all chipping in.

I have a very vanilla community folder only 8 folders as I remember and up untill recently nothing (or so I thought as I have had Navigraph from the start) so my
updates have been quite uneventfull so far.

Recently I have put in the WT g3000 mod and a TBM mod, the pms 750 and 530 and also just flight Arrow that came with an installer if I remember correctly.

Think I will remove the Navigraph data from the app and then rename the community folder and place me and my computer in the hands of the almighty.

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To the original topic: I think the term “content will be wiped” was misunderstood. It is only referring to the content that comes with SU6. The PC beta testers will have to redownload these (although they already have it and it seems to be the version that is released tomorrow). At least that’s what I would read out of it…


All of the above :white_check_mark:

Scariness intensifies…

Of course this is the same SU6 with no new fixes at all (as usual) that we’ll all get tomorrow.
Brace yourselves guys! Especially if you fly in VR. :sob:
At least we’ll be able to post about them in the forums and report them on Zendesk. :sunny:

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Densest … I think you are GROSSLY misinformed here. (and/or are GROSSLY misleading others). Your post contains scary instructions (pausing update and deleting folders!) which you seem to indicate applies to EVERYONE. Jummivana’s notes on SU6 Update applies to BETA testers only (deleting earlier beta code).

You need to re-write your Subject Heading to read “SU6 BETA TESTERS … save your content” or risk being condemned by all (and causing a LOT of grief tomorrow).


Is there an update tomorrow or is that for beta testers only? The term EVERYONE could mean just that - Or every beta tester…

My understanding is that there is an update tomorrow (Oct 19) for everyone. Jummivana’s instructions (misinterpreted by Densest) is for Beta testers (so they can reliably attain same code as the general population). Correct me if I’m wrong someone.

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Their statement seems super ambiguous.

I agree … Jummivana’s statement is subject to interpretation … but Densest’s statement to start messing with the standard update procedure is just wrong (whether he intends that for Beta testers only … which I’m not sure it was … or not). I think this whole thread should be deleted! :slight_smile:

Agreed - high on the misinformation which causes more unintended confusion.

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