SU8, Constantly hearing powered Jet Engine sounds in Cockpit

I’ve tried this in the Carendado Arrow and get the same results, but slightly lower volume. This is in VR and inside the cabin. The over amplified sounds go when in outside view and then return when changing back to inside view.

Still valid!

Yes! Strange and eery jet sound like a jet is ridin my a r s e!

It is not only in prop aircraft. I can hear this in jets too

For me too

Wonder if not so many people have this issue?
Isn’t it on every system?

This is the most annoying bug I had since a long time … really killing immersion.
That is why I wonder about the low attention it gets … seems not all have it.

Happening to me from the second I updated to SU8. Not any time before. May not be new for everyone but 100% new for me since earlier this week.

I do have AIG models, so could possibly be the culprit, can’t confirm either way.

Setting ‘other aircraft’ to 5-10% is a workaround but the sound is the same volume no matter whether the plane is next to you, or at the other side of the airport. Weird!

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I’ve only experienced this since SU8. I have AI switched off (never use it) but I do fly on VATSIM (and I very, very, rarely fly completely offline).

Has anyone noticed that the jet noises disappear when you switch from Cockpit to External view? That’s interesting.

I will experiment with flights completely offline to see if I still get the same issue, but I suspect it’s purely an SU8 issue.


Yes. Outside of the plane the sound seems to have normal volume. Also the sound seems to be getting quieter outside if a plane is moving away from your viewpoint, like it should.
So it seems that there is only a problem with the volume of the sound inside the cockpit.
Because even more strangely the “doppler effect” of the sound is working inside and outside.

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Hi Everybody,

This is a new bug resulting from a bug fix in the just released SU8. Asobo has enabled more parameters in the Legacy sounds of the SDK, specifically the ability to hear other AI/Simobject sounds in the cockpit environment.

It is controlled by the parameter viewpoint=1 in the simobject’s sound.cfg file, which you can learn more about here.

Unfortunately, there is an issue with sound attenuation, which was identified during the beta, but the team did not fix in time for SU8. This will affect any simobject using a legacy sound package. Hopefully it will be resolved in SU9.

You can read about the discussion in the official dev support forum post.

An easy, temporary fix is to enable “headphone simulation” in the sim’s main sound settings as you won’t hear any outside sounds in cockpit, while retaining all sounds in exterior views.

Hope this helps.


Does that mean you won’t hear a jet taking off right in front of you? Or you want here your plane sounds (such as flaps lowering, etc.)?

Also same here, so annoying to have yet another update with more bugs, and I have never had any of this type before, but I get the same problems in my day job with software/firmware upgrades creating problems with programmes functionality so it’s not unusual but very frustrating for users like us that just want this sim sorted after all this time. I use AIG, and have the same problems whatever aircraft I fly both in the airport environments, and enroute, and no adjustments to AI have any effect on this either

Also having this bug since SU8 only. I do have AIG models installed.

Add me to this bug and very annoying. I have had it in F35, WACO, and Otter now. Some had told me it was a Carenado issue but clearly it’s a general audio issue with SU8. I am on Sonic Studio 3 with ASUS Maximus X Realtek audio Windows 10 Pro using default system audio.

I’m having this issue too as well as a short loud spike in engine sound when switching between internal and external camera. Removing aig fixed the problem for me so it’s definitely caused by aig.

With live traffic on, I’ll hear engine sounds of aircraft that are miles and miles away. As soon as I turned off traffic, it stopped. Anyone experiencing this?

Yes, same here.

That is what is going on I think. I heard the Pilatus sounding like a jet! I have never actually heard a Pilatus, but I am sure it does not sound like a jet! So apparently the sound from the surrounding aircraft is probably amplified too much.

Another VR sound bug I encountered was that the sounds came from the PC speakers (not default setting but I selected my speaker output) BUT the ATC sound came from the VR headset! Very weird.

fly over a Bravo airport with live traffic, you get to hear all the jets! :wink: