Suddenly getting big stuttering in Photogrammetry cities (frames seem to STEP BACKWARDS!?!)

I have not made any major changes to system or settings but suddenly getting really bad “Main Thread Limited” induced spikes making the scenery in Photogrammetry cities judder around like crazy, even when I am not that close to the bulk of the detail.

I have tried other planes, and tried reducing both LoD’s a lot and Building Quality to Medium, it improves a bit, but it was not like this ever before on my machine.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing it?

I see that the reported frame rate is never really low (always 32+ in dense part of city, usually about 45) but it’s still really choppy from time to time (actually not just CHOPPY but it seems to be frames STEPPING BACKWARDS and juddering really weirdly - never experienced this before).

This is the Chicago area - all that I have added (from memory) in this region is the Meigs airfield from Maybe I should try disabling that?

I have made a video to show what I mean - particularly bad bit is at 00:36 but happens at 00:12 and 00:30 a bit. Sometimes it is ‘stepping backwards’ a lot more noticeably if I am doing a tighter fast turn or near the skyscrapers.

I can fly in any other area with higher graphics settings and it remains smooth 45+fps even when turning fast.

Thanks for any help!

There are a lot of threads in here on that.
Here is a link to one of the larger.

You should also do a search for Main Thread Limited from the search icon at the top of the page.

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See larger topic on this issue, as linked by @TheSevenflyer above.