I agree and I totally understand how hard it is for Devs, not a popular opinion, but I really feel for Caraendo, they have suffered terribly due to the things you have said.
For me it’s just I don’t want to get into anymore, I’m over SU5 being blamed for things that don’t work, but work on every other plane, I’m over this week, next week, maybe tomorrow… I know it’s hard, I am a programmer myself so I get it… But I also think the absolute Urine is taken at times and I can’t be a part of that negativity anymore… I don’t do things in half measures, I am all in on MSFS now, and yes I buy stuff and who cares if it works or not, but it just bugs me and I feel like I am allowing myself to be conned, regardless of if I am or not.
So I am just staying away and being more selective, I do have a fair bit of disposable income (Thankfully) and I like to support Devs but at the moment I feel it’s one sided…
From their webpage it seems like the remaining works are mostly in the emergency systems, as well as an automated flight engineer. I would say it feels like more of A32NX level of development (mostly the breakdowns and emergency systems not working ATM keeping it away from study level of functionality) but by a single team, so perfectly flyable with enough of enjoyment to had in such vintage airliner, but at current stage without AI flight engineer it’s a bit difficult to config the props in appropriate setting for take off, climb, descend and landing phase, at least not easy by buttons.
Hope they could really get to the level of PMDG and we have another good developer who make serious aircraft worth buying, not only the few known ones plus a lot of scammers
one more thing though. Maybe it’s me only, but from various scam like addons, I kinda feels ok for any aircraft which
do all their own modelling and especially the flight systems and flight dynamcis and not buy/port/copy and hybrid it with Asobo aircrafts or mix it with other free systems, those are just for fun oriented freeware addon category
2)have plans to improve or fix update breaks
Basically I feels that any addon can be overpriced or just soso, but still worth my money for some support on newer developers, but if someone just made a Frankenstein plane with some good looking exterior for quick money grab and never shows they care to improve or fix it, I blacklist the whole vendor. Using someone’s code ATM before everything is ironed out is acceptable to me. Of course anyone is free to go buy the plane when it’s fully functional
There’s a separate smoke system available for the Connie, which can be found from the download area in the developer’s website (just scroll down until you see it). Aircraft L-1049 super G | Red Wing Simulations
For those interested in undertaking a long trans-oceanic flight, I have discovered a way to have the aircraft follow a flight plan. Initiate the autopilot in the fashion described in the Redwing video. Use the heading knob to set up your aircraft for an intercept of the flight plan track. Then hit Ctrl Z, followed by Ctrl N then turn the flight path knob to Localizer and Glide (two turns to the right). The Connie should find and maintain a track along the flight plan.