Surprise for alpha / beta testers?

Has anyone found the surprise yet?

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Nope nothing yet

Not a sausage. (Hope thats a global phrase!)

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phrase works for me!

… and no “surprise” yet… maybe that’s the surprise?!

i wonder as well.
Have not seen anything i’d consider a surprise for Testers as announced during Q&A…

I have heard that some testers have noticed a deterioration in fps in the final released version. Maybe that’s the surprise?

Maybe we will have watermarks back for surprice. :face_with_monocle:



Pretty sure I’m seeing an FPS drop, hopefully sorted soon


What was the surprise for Alpha Beta testers? Did I miss it?

Intriguing phrase but I don’t believe it is a global one unless I like under a rock, lmao.

They mentioned it in the twitch FAQ and chucked when they said it. I think the other thread was closed out so I thought it would ask here. I think we thought it was a livery or some badge. Anyway just wondering.

I am certain they’re trying to fix all the critical bugs first before giving us liveries.


Yeah, that’s probably it. Though I wonder where did those bugs came from :slight_smile:

Hehe, don’t you just love typos?
I suspect it may be a British thing (and probably an older Brit too!)

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What we all talking about here?

They said that testers would get a surprise in the Q&A.

Haven´t seen anything of that yet …

The surprised you have been remove from beta tester :smile:

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Haven’t you guys received your polo shirt and pant, navy blue with the MSFS logo on it ???


That is explained here: CPU Bug "Limited by Main Thread" is causing the bad FPS