Synchronization between XBOX, PC and cloud gaming

Hello, I have a question about synchronization in the Xbox environment, if you can help me. I have FS 2020 on Xbox Series X, also on PC and I use it as a cloud game as well. I have observed that the data is synced, that much is clear. But it goes further. For example, I have noticed that if I delete content on any of the platforms, for example, on the XBOX, then on the PC that content also disappears and I have to reinstall it. Let me explain, if for example I uninstall the Top Gun content or a world update on the console, when I put the simulator on the PC it has also disappeared and I have to reinstall it. It does not happen, however, when I install content on one of the platforms, it is not installed in this case on the rest of the platforms. This is normal? It’s a bit cumbersome because if, for example, I decide to uninstall content on the PC because it has little space on the PC’s hard drive, then when I put the simulator on the console, that content isn’t there either and I have to reinstall it. I don’t know if this is all normal, if there is some option I’m missing to control what gets synced and what doesn’t. I think the ideal would be for it to be independent. That if I uninstall something from the console it doesn’t uninstall from the PC. Oh, by the way, in the case of cloud gaming I see that you also have to install it. But there, you are not using space on our device, are you? I understand you are using cloud space which by the way is unlimited? Thanks for your help.

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The sim is linked to your MS/Xbox account, all settings are likewise, so if you change settings in one device, as you noted, it will be changed in all.
It actually is intentionally this way in order to enable the sim to be used in multiple devices under one account, unlike older sims where it was only one installation per copy of the sim purchased.

You may be interested in participating and voting in this existing Wishlist thread:

Option not to sync settings between devices


Thank you very much for your help. Yes, I’m going to vote to see if they implement that option. Thanks. Greetings.

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Hi All,

I primarily play via Xbox Cloud Gaming on my PC. On startup of MSFS yesterday, it asked me where I wanted to sync my data from - cloud or local. Ive mistakenly selected Local and it has caused all of my logbook hours to go back to 0. My purchases are still there however annoying that they have gone to 0. Is there a way to get it to sync with the cloud once again to make these return?