The biggest difference between Steam and MS Store versions of MSFS is the access to folders. Many have expressed concern that they cannot link outside add-ons to the Flight Simulator .exe file when required by that add-on.
In an attempt to ensure that software installed by the MS Store is secure and safe, MS implemented the WindowsApps Trusted Installer protocol. For users that insist on having administrative control over their computer this protocol can be overcome.
Couple of important points to begin with;
- If you are not comfortable with adjusting low level settings you should enlist more expert assistance
- Any changes listed below will require that you have administrative access on the system. These changes CAN NOT be completed otherwise
- If the steps below are not followed carefully it is possible to mess up your system.
Your decision to attempt these changes is yours and yours alone. You have been warned! This is not NOVICE advice. You accept ALL responsibility for the outcome.
- If the above messages scare you, stop here and do not attempt anything below this line.
There are two ways to take ownership of the Windows Apps folders. The method you chose has no bearing on the outcome. The method you chose simply depends on your preference and level of expertise and understanding.
Full Manual
In this method, you will go through and make manual changes to existing setting using the standard Windows UI.
- Step one is to make sure you can find the folder. It is normally hidden from view and so you will need to âun hideâ it. Click `VIEWâ on any folder view window. You will see a check box beside HIDDEN ITEMS. make sure it is checked.
- Now navigate to the drive that your Windows is installed on.
- Open the Program Files folder.
- Scroll down to find the WindowsApps folder.
- Right Click on the folder.
~ Select - Properties
~ On the WindowsApps Properties window click on the Security tab.
~ At the bottom of the tab, click Advanced. - You should now see the Advanced Security Settings window.
~ click on the Change link. - You are now on the Select User or Group window.
~ typeAdministrator
and click Check Names.
~ as long as you didnât make a spelling error you should see the full name of the adminstrator account appear. Obviously it will be the name of your computer, not mine. - Click OK to get back to the Advanced Security Settings window.
- Confirm the new owner is the one you selected on the Select User or Group window.
~ Place a check mark in the box beside Replace owner on sub-containers and objects
~ * note: you may notice that full access is not granted in the permissions for your administrator. You can change this later if required but not now. We must complete the ownership change first. - Click APPLY
You will get a message box pop up telling you the changes are being applied. Followed by another box when complete telling you that you must exit the properties UI before you can make an permission changes. (told you so) Just click OK on that one and Click OK on the remaining windows until the Properties window is closed.
Now you can go back to the Advanced Security Settings and make any permission changes you would like. I do not suggest changing ANY permissions other than those for the administrator.
This method makes changes to the registry and adds an option in the context menu to make changing ownership of folders far simpler. The only real downside to this is if you are not the only one using the computer you will give giving the power to change ownership to anyone that desires it.
The upside is it is much quicker and easier and there are a couple versions available that allow you to both take ownership and give it back with the click of a button.
You can download the .reg files here as well as review the tutorial for its use. There are a few different version available depending on your usage preferences so take a moment to review the page.
This context menu will only work with English Windows 10 installations.
The author has, however, kindly offered to make this available for non English installations on request through the above link.
You can review the changes that the âTake Ownershipâ .reg install will perform belowâŠ
Registry Edit Summary
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Created by: Shawn Brink
; Created on: January 28th 2015
; Updated on: February 16th 2018
@=âTake Ownershipâ
@=âpowershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList â/c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /lâ -Verb runAs"â
âIsolatedCommandâ= âpowershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList â/c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /lâ -Verb runAs"â
@=âTake Ownershipâ
âAppliesToâ=âNOT (System.ItemPathDisplay:="C:\Users" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:="C:\ProgramData" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:="C:\Windows" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:="C:\Windows\System32" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:="C:\Program Files" OR System.ItemPathDisplay:="C:\Program Files (x86)")â
@=âpowershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList â/c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /l /qâ -Verb runAs"â
âIsolatedCommandâ=âpowershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList â/c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /l /qâ -Verb runAs"â
Some folks have reported that these steps donât work. They do work. If they donât work for you, then there is something else going on. You may have inadvertently skipped a step. You may have other security software running that prevents these changes from taking effect. You may not, in fact, have administrative access.
Bottom line. This works for the vast majority of users and has worked for more than 5 years of Windows changes. If you have issues then go back and review. Must have missed something. If your understanding of the process behind this is lacking then best to enlist that âmore expertâ help I mentioned at the beginning.