Tall buildings *HAVE* been fixed - requires a manual process

Try copying it as a backup, then delete it?

Thanks that solved it

Now I get an issue that file name length is too long to copy/paste - this is developing into a massive pain in the butt.

That will be because of nested folders in one of your mods/sceneries in the community folder with an extra long name - you will need to find and edit the folder name to be shorter. As an aside, not sure why you are getting the “can’t access” issue. Are you running MSFS whilst doing this? That might cause an issue.

no its not running in the background. When i reinstalled it, i just accepted default settings so the path name is really really long;

If I edit the folder names, will msfs still be able to access the files inside it? NB: I already edited the regedit to put accept long file names (or path names) to 1 so it should have been allowed to spill over 260 characters.

You can rename the top folder whatever you want for mods in the community folder, just not the folders inside (as they are referenced in the files themselves). I’d be tempted to reinstall into another folder at this point. I’ve seen some people move the files, uninstall the installer only and point the point the installer to the new location. This might avoid the full download. I think if you search the forums a bit you might find somethign on that

I don’t understand. I cant move or copy the community folder or any of the scenery or livery folders inside it. When I try to do this I get the message again; "Your organisation does not allow you to place this file here.” I want to avoid having to redo the install again, it took over 14 hours yesterday.

que ha pasado con los edificios emblemáticos de Madrid, antes se veían y ahora no son reales o han desaparecido

I don’t know how to fix that, sorry. Google may be your friend. Or try searching the forums?

Im going for an overnight fresh install onto the SSD with very short path length, will be interesting to see if it solves the ‘cant put this file here’ issue; it should sort the ‘name too long’ stuff.

It’s is possible you are hitting the NTFS maximum path length.

Good luck! I have mine in the folder G:\MSFS2020 - which is a bit shorter!

Thanks - 12 hrs later, went for e:\MSFS2020\Community and things are back to normal again. It really doesnt like having the community folder inside the Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages folder. Now to reinstall all my liveries and scenery.

Good news :+1: