does anyone know how I can keybind the starter toggle on the TBM? I mean the one which you hold for 2 seconds for engine start up.
I have a HOTAS Warthog with a physical toggle which returns to default when not pushed, just like the toggle in the plane, but for the death of me, I cannot find the corresponding command in the game. I have bound every entry in the options asasociated with “starter” but to no awail, the toggle never activates in the game.
I have “Set Starter 1 (hold)” bind to the Warthog Throttle on switch 32, thats the right IGN/Motor Switch.
Works perfectly. Just push the switch up for a moment and the engine become alive.
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I use the starter switch on the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke. Was your rig set up for starter in other aircraft? If so, I’d expect the same button to work in the TBM.
It is magneto settings you are looking for. This is what is bound to the honeycomb yoke for this by default.
Edit- ignore me I’m thinking of the cessna