Thanks Asobo, this turbulence is absolutely spot on!

I’ve already pushed the topic up. :slight_smile:


I don’t think it should be dumbed down at all - I have voted: “I like it but would like to see turbulence improved, including interaction with clouds.”

I don’t know if they could add a toggle in the settings to turn it off for those who dislike it but if not - Please keep it the way it is and add further improvements to it.


Yes totally agree, we don’t need more pointless settings added and wasted time for the devs to implement something when the option is already there.
Live weather is exactly that, if someone doesn’t want live weather and turb, turn live weather off!


I love it too.
Noticed the PMDG autothrottle needs tweaking, but it was already over-sensitive before SU10. I’m sure they will fix it to match real behaviour and cope with changing winds.


Been loving the new weather in all it’s aspects since the start of the SU10 beta, great to see so many new to SU10 loving it as well.

No need to dumb it down. No need for a “slider”
If you don’t like the gusts/turbulence use a preset or create you own. The option to have it how you like it is already there.

Keep it as it is please Asobo. You’ve done a fantastic job so far.


On the turb subject is there anywhere online to get info of current areas that have heavy turb, or is that not possible?

Just found turbli website, is there anything better.

If the model is against laws of physics then yes, they should listen to the comments. One thing is the perception of a real pilot in terms of simulation realism and other completely different is what real wind can actually do. Pilots are saying that realism means player having to adjust control surfaces to deal with gusts and that´s correct because gusts introduce changing wind conditions. Physics laws are saying that wind can´t change from 20 kts to 0 kts in 1 second because the airmass moved by wind has a weight. Such sudden wind speed changes would mean lateral accelerations equivalent to 1G on the aircraft structure which are not seen during regular flying. This is not an aerobatics environment, just a gusty wind environment.



Have you seen such a wind change in the sim? There are external tools that will graph the wind speed if you care to test that.

Too bad we can’t feel it hehe.
I’m close to 10hours in a 172 and that’s exactly how the winds are here. Got Bad motion sickness in those conditions the begging of my training.
Crazy thing about winds they can happen at any altitude. Before I started flying irl I use to believe they would only occur at lower altitudes.


Erm…I’ve experienced that for real many times.

Trust me, a 20G40kt crosswind is very sporting to say the least and the gusts are just as they report them, instantaneous and punchy.

I’ve flown jets below 2,000ft where the wind has been in excess of 70kts (one was during a diversion after 2 windshear go-arounds at our destination) and once where it was over 100kts at 3000ft. To be frank, that experience was very uncomfortable indeed, but very often it can be as rough as hell even with much lesser wind speeds. Honestly, at times you really are hanging on to the thing, even in a widebody.

I should add, I’m not dismissing what you say and I respect a lot of what you post. On this one though you’ll just have to take it on trust, the way the sim feels now is as close to real world as I’ve ever felt in a home simulator.


For the thermal turbulence, you can use the Meteoblue solar radiation map, but that won’t give you the whole picture because the thermal updrafts and downdrafts are partially based on the colors of the satellite imagery. The sim calculates the solar radiation based on the position of the sun in-sim, so live data is not required for that part. It then samples the satellite imagery at a 1ft resolution to determine how much heat should be generated above it based on the colors in the imagery and whether or not the sunlight is being obstructed\filtered. Darker shades of colors generate more heat from the sun than lighter shades, which leads to columns of rising and falling air.

When you think about how the system works, it’s understandable that it would be difficult to make it configurable for the user in meaningful ways, other than maybe a multiplier slider or two. I would imagine that it would also be difficult to determine how it needs to be adjusted since it’s partially based on the satellite imagery you are flying over.

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Gusty winds are fine and there´s no point about their speed. The problem is the acceleration which is resulting in game. That´s not realistic.



20kt gusting to 40kt, not 20G.


20kts gusting 40kts. That’s how it’s reported on an ATIS / TAF / METAR.


Yeap, corrected it sorry guys. The problem is not the wind speed. It can be very fast and that´s fine in game. The problem in game is the wind speed change, and its resulting acceleration. That´s what is not real. Wind does not perform like that. Hurricanes maybe, but not regular wind.

So gusts would be fine if wind speed changes were either having slower frequency changes (less changes per minute) or smaller magnitude changes (not 20 kts to 0 kts in 1 second, but 20 kts to 15 kts in 1 second for instance). That´s all. As I said Asobo has a good implementation. It just needs some tunning.



But it does do that actually. Even as a simple pedestrian on my local seafront I have experienced sudden hard changes in gust wind speed in well under a second. I don’t know where you live but if you had any experience of the sort of Atlantic winds we get here in Southwest England, you would have a very different opinion. You talk about 1 second as if it’s a short amount of time too, it isn’t.


That was the point I was making earlier though. However they’re getting the effect, that effect is faithful to real world turbulence.

I’d love to see them go further now and include cloud related turbulence, thermals, mountain waves, CAT etc. That would be amazing.

ps Just to reiterate the wind speed can, and regularly does, change 20kts (and more) in 1 second.


If we could get some turbulence in clouds then yes it would be spot on to a good degree.


I think the wind gust effect on the planes is great and I’m enjoying the challenge of it.

I think the gusts themselves may be a little overdone in their frequency and strength, but that’s just a matter of some fine tuning. Otherwise, I think this is a really great step in the right direction.

But I agree, there will be lot of complaining that “flying is too hard” now as a result of this.


Thanks for this thread and thanks to Hester for the chance to vote. I voted “I like it but would like to see turbulence improved, including interaction with clouds.”

I remember from my PPL days that gusty conditions and turbulence could be a real menace in a light aircraft. It’s not easy, and I was completely exhausted after some flights. I think also my passengers would agree that it was not always pleasant. On a RW flight around Sydney I had two friends begging me to return to the airport due to severe motion sickness. That was in a PA-28-180 Archer IIRC.