The 1935 Douglas DC-3

I love how it actually got muddy


This is a really tough plane to fly

It is about practice :grinning:

On XBOX all the text boxes shown when hovering over switches and buttons show the wrong functionality. Example, when hovering over cowl flap selector, the text box displays its the button for the exterior lightsā€¦

This makes the checklist completely useless as it shows all the wrongly assigned buttons.

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Anyone knows where the clickspot is to lock the landing gear? I cant find it

Its maybe the plane most fun to learn :slight_smile:

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Can someone explain to me or send me a explanation on how to read the VOR/ADF gauge on the lower left?

I donā€™t know what course to set and which of those arrows shows what and I donā€™t understand why the white arrow is facing the oppisite direction the compass/aircraft is heading.

I expected this will be described in manual. But not :pensive:

first the red then green

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From what I understand White is NAV1 and Green is NAV2. They show relative bearing to your heading. You need to turn the card to match your heading and you get the actual bearing

How do you slow down the plane?

After several touch and go, the best way Iā€™ve found is: On downwind I start to cut off the throttle, almost 10" and 1900-2000 rpm. The problem is it donā€™t want go down below 130. The only way is after deploying the gear. Then, at 110, flaps 1/2, that give me 100-90. Turning to base I try to keep 90mph. On final, full flaps, throttle at idle and prop full forward, and keeping 90mph. Touchdown at 80. In most of the real references Iā€™ve found, they say is around 70.

It seems to me that, maybe, to cutoff the throttle to 10"-15" at downwind isnā€™t very realistic. And I think is not very good way to handle the engine. For that reason I think Iā€™m doing something wrong.

Iā€™ve been checking some videos on youtube with this addon, and most of them cut the throttle very aggressively, some of them even on final, without enough time for slowing down the plane.

Iā€™ve been reviewing some of the real manual that someone shared some posts above (sorry I donā€™t remember his name) but I didnā€™t find too much about this topic.

How do you do?

This plane is an excellent glider. Thats why its so successfull.
Its basically impossible to slow it down in a descend. You need to watch out for not too small throttle with those engines. I usually go down with 15" 500-700fpm and then later slow down in level flight for configuration. Cutting the throttle would usually end up VERY badly for the engines, but i doubt that is simulated

Something weird happen with my version then, because in level flight, with only 12" and 2000rpm, it doesnā€™t want go below 130. Only after deploying the landing gear, it starts to slow down below 130mph. And I donā€™t want to use the flaps until get the 112 (as the red placard indicates).

Iā€™ll appreciate If someone could confirm this behavior.

I can confirm i have the feeling is has too little drag. But thats hard to confirm with any data. its also too fast in cruise. Maybe thats connected

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It would also be nice if you could swap out the modern nav radios for the LFRR system as in the B247 :slight_smile:

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Yes we have to anticipate a lot to do not overspeed on approach.

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That how St54Kevin explained and this is where you define your course, this is link to the equipment on the right with the needles.

For me the only missing stuff is a DME. Without that, you can forget a lot of navigation with charts :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Dont the GNS530 show DMEs?

I donā€™t know, I only flight with the old version without GPS. I like classical navigation and GPS is not much what I prefer. And this is why the DME would be great because without it, almost impossible to navigate.