The 1935 Douglas DC-3

I did try the improvement mod and it is great. Easy to install as you just have to put it in your community folder.

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Thanks for the explanation, but I canā€™t rap my head around the CDI.

If you want to handfly IFR you need to set the course shown on the GNS (or noted on your paper map if you are old school) or do I need to set my current heading and fly so that the needle points at the course number?

Have a look here:


Where do you put the unzipped files as the repaint wonā€™t show it for me? Do you take the contents out of the main folder or do you just place the whole folder in the right place?

It is accurate with CFD enabled; not accurate without. See MSFS - DC-3 Flight Model - YouTube from the developer of the flight model. He explains the aircraft is unstable below 120, which is why the advice is given to hold the nose down. Documentation indicates this is how the real aircraft performs. I too thought it didnā€™t feel right when I first flew it.

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agree. I tweak mine using FSRealistic as the default is just weird to be like that

Iā€™m 100% going to try it, appreciated the work done in the mod!

Delivering a payload of ā€œRosinenā€ from Fritzlar to Berlinā€¦

PS: Would be cool if someone would make a ā€œRosinenbomberā€ livery.

Thanks for the video. I understand it knowā€¦

GPS Rosinen?

Thanks for thisā€¦did not know about this feature.
Just for clarity, on my Controls Options page itā€™s ā€œVFR PILOT VIEW SAVEā€ā€¦and there also is ā€œVFR PILOT VIEW RESETā€.

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Anybody been able to get an ILS approach in the Retrofit version?
I can get the NAV/GPS to align on the runway and start to follow glide path but
then it descends below glide pathā€¦ wonā€™t hold approach slope. Tried several ILSā€™s no go.

Finally getting some decent landing in the old bird since the addition of some mods.
Approach to KPSP

I havenā€™t tested yet as I am doing some training with VOR but I found out the VOR radial very difficult to catch and usually I have an offset (I can see it in LNM). Maybe because it is hard to perfectly set a value with the needles and those indicators (no reference notch on the lower left navigation instrument)

Nice, I love it !! :grinning:
Congratulations for the video editing as well :+1:

I am uploading a small video in Spain, available in few min

Here you go, a small trip in DC-3 (sorry for the stuttering, I do know why and I saw it afterward) :
Flight Simulator - DC-3 trip in Spain (LERJ) - YouTube

My landing was not perfect but not too bad too. The most difficult is to keep the aircraft aligned once on the ground

ā€œVFR PILOT VIEW SAVEā€ is what I use to change the default cockpit view and is a life-saver trick.

Make sure you have assigned keys to move the cockpit height up and down and slew left and right so you can position the view to your liking. Once you have it perfect just click the key combination and your new default cockpit view is saved.

ā€œRESET COCKPIT VIEWā€ is the command I use to switch to the default cockpit view (once modified of course), the default bind for this is ā€œFā€.


We found out translations are an absolute mess too. Currently fixing German and Portuguese

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Is that persistant over a reboot or do you have to adjust it everytime?

It persists. The big advantage of this over setting a custom cockpit view is that often the default cockpit view and the one you set are almost inches in difference and pressing the button twice toggles between the default view and the custom view. In this method the default view is changed.

Beware: You lose the original cockpit view forever, not that it matters as the idea is to set a better one.

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