The 1935 Douglas DC-3

So you knowledgable people here. I just flew the new Stearman (fairing) update with my yoke (yes I know, sacrilege) and really really enjoyed the “heavy” feel on the elevator needing to use more deflection makes it way easier at least for me to control an airplane as it is irl. Can this “weightiness” be replicated with config edits without killing the entire flight model? If so, what would need to be changed? Right now I need like 10% of the travel of my yoke for the entire flight and that is probably a high estimate. Ailerons feel okay, just the pitch is too twitchy for my liking. And no it cannot be solved with curves because nonlinear control surfaces are very confusing to my brain :smiley:

You need to Un Zip the Main File to your Desktop and then open that File to find the packaged Livery which is then placed in the Community Folder MSFS 2020. There are guides to help you find the Community Folder.
Kind Regards and hope this is OK.

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Just trying the standard version but wow what a beast. I did not think I would like this plane so much! I love how you sit up high on the flight deck and it’s all cozy.

There is a VFR view reset command which I think will return it. Regardless if I’m changing a view and I’m not totally sure yet I’ll save it to a preset in case I want it back, like ctrl+alt+9 or something.

The thing with making edits to the flight model is one change usually has an effect on everything else, so it’s a balancing act.

As most know, the POV positions don’t correspond with the expected QuickViews. It took a little while to figure out but here’s the edits to camera.cfg if you want to use the AH defined views in the virtual cockpit with your 8-way hat switch.

In the following “CAMERADEFINITION.x” sections edit the “SubCategoryItem” as follows:

.9 = QuickView4
.10 = QuickView6
.11 = QuickView5
.12 = QuickView3
.13 = QuickView7
.14 = QuickView8
.15 = QuickView2
.16 = QuickView1

Seemed to get off the ground pretty quick, and that made me wonder just how quick it could…

DC-3 STOL competition!

Current score to beat for take-off ground roll is 200 feet, set at the Oshkosh Ultralight strip with zero headwind at 800 feet elevation.


Yes the G key works but not what i suppose to be the switches on the far right in the cockpit. Using keyboard in VR is a pain.

Older procedures had the gear coming down a lot earlier I think; A310 doesn’t let you activate parts of the approach until flaps and gear are all the way down to landing settings

Does anyone meanwhile have an idea how to use HDG hold mode - and of course adjust the heading - on the retrofit version?
p.s. I would prefer the classic version, but the non existent DME renders it useless for me.

one more paintscheme:
wien(003) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

wien(004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


We have not found a switch to set the heading for now in the retrofit version.

UPDATE: As you can see in the next post, Asobo has confirm this problem as known issue.

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The known issues of SU11 has been published.

Douglas DC-3

  • The Heading Bug for the autopilot cannot be set in the Retrofit variant.
  • The Flaps indicator in the External View HUD is off by one notch.
  • The right fuel selector cannot be switched to the off position.
  • The radio altimeter does not provide accurate indications above 400’.

I think we have to recollect all the bugs that have been commented here since the last friday, because I think we have found more than these four points.



I really want to stick to the old version but the lack of DME could quickly make it almost useless for long trip and navigation. Old fashion navigation is a pleasure and without a DME, it is almost impossible. I am afraid that after few fun quick flights, this old version will be neglected in favor of the retrofit one, which a pity for such beautiful old school aircraft.


Simply do the maths and use a stopwatch.
No need for a DME, IMHO.


Yeah, this is an option but this way we are back in very old school style :sweat_smile:
I did an approach yesterday and the charts ask a turn after a certains distance to the VOR and of course I could have done it according to my speed and a stopwatch but, whaoo I need to let me grow a moustache then :rofl:

I just did a try with the retrofit version, having a GPS instead of this beautiful old school autopilot is a pity but I will have to get use unless a DME is implemented one day in the classic version.

Concerning the GPS, I was able to activate the HDG mode but where do I change the heading selection ? I was not able to find it.

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Created a bug report for this since it’s not listed in the official known issues:

DC-3 POV Hat Switch Quick Views Not Defined Correctly - Bug Reports / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I agree that not having a DME is a pitty and complicates old school navigation.

Same goes for their Electra that actually has a DME gauge in the panel but it is inop till today.

What I do to work around this issue is to use the free GTN750 mod. It allows me to fly the classic cockpit version and have the GTN opened in a window somewhere in the cockpit with the details of the VOR which gives me also distance to the station. The window can be minimized in order not to break the immersion too much and it also works in VR.

Not perfect but doable.

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To the Aeroplane Heaven staff: as I read on facebook you are monitoring this place too, so thank you for creating this gorgeous bird!

I’d like to add some feedback on the visuals as you already said you gonna provide fixes and improvements down the road.

  1. as some others spotted the normal map on the nose is stretched - on the long term it would be great if you (instead of just fixing the UV) could make use of decals instead to create rivets, placards and small texts. This is also the recommended way provided by Asobo, see Surface Detail in SDK

  2. emissive meshes on the outside: please make these brighter. Especially the landing lights are invisible during daytime as the material is not emissive enough. Also it would be great if you’d light up the entire landing light housing this way (you can clone the housings parts which reflect the light, shift it slightly forward to not z-fight, make it emissive and only show/activate the belonging node whenever the landing light on this side is on :slight_smile: The emissive white light on the tail is missing.

  3. I personally don’t like the use of orb lights on wings and tail - they shine on top of the wings surface and from below the wing which somehow adds a “Christmastree” look. As the lights are at the wings tips they should be spots imho with a proper angel to just light up the tip itself from left/right but not the upper and lower surface :slight_smile: on the tail the same thing applies - the light should light up the area from behind the aircraft but not the tailfin and other parts. I changed the configuration in systems.cfg with vanilla and custom lights on my own to see how this could look like which is less invasive:

  4. It would be nice to see the doors being animated on the enhanced version. Also the cabin of the PAX version could get some lights :slight_smile:

  5. The texture layout on the aft part of the fuselage easily leeds to visible white seams when painted. Maybe you will notice on creating more paints.

  6. Heat effects are missing - these ones can be added by including the following lines into the aircraft.cfgs effect section:

effect.0 = fx_engexh_l_startsmoke#(A:GENERAL ENG COMBUSTION:1, boolean)#FX_ASOBO_M_REACTORHEAT_TBM930
effect.1 = fx_engexh_r_startsmoke#(A:GENERAL ENG COMBUSTION:2, boolean)#FX_ASOBO_M_REACTORHEAT_TBM930

These effects blend already nicely with the big radial engines imho.

Other than that please also have a look at this report I created about ATC/ICAO codes - this provides the correct type information as per definition:


I think i’m happy with the default pilot view now. But i might change it 3 minutes later LOL.

By the way, the quick views in this bird are spot on. A VFR paradise.

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