The B787 Has Improved Dramatically via the Heavy Mod

Do you use Pushback toolbar and / or The Ship traffic from ORBX/Seafront? If yes, both are known to derease performance over time. Pushback toolbar CAN cause Memory leak, and for example the FENIX devs recommend everyone to not use it for now.

The Seafront Vessels cause such a performance decrease over time in my own tests, after i installed it and let the sim run for a while. i removed it then, and i didnt have this issue anymore since then.


I do use the toolbar. I will remove it and give it a try.

Thanks again!

HEY! Just wondering if the EFB works with the mod? Cant really see it in the video… Would love a high fidelity 787. The fenix a320 is a work of art and would love if a developer done something similar with the Dreamliner!

This has been asked about two dozen times in this thread already. Nothing has changed since the last time. The EFB is just cosmetic. The aircraft is encrypted so only minor modifications are possible. The Heavy mod is the best you can get for now.

Maybe if Asobo decrypts the models one day things will change. But a third party 787 is in production.

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As has been discussed here on the forums for months, Asobo has permission to distribute these planes in decrypted form, and this is confirmed coming in SU10, which will be released in about 3 weeks.

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yes and I answered @WB19905448 question. The EFB doesn’t work. Fenix is not planning to release a 787. QualityWings is working on one if you didn’t know.

We will see

Indeed you did answer it. Take note: that was not the part of your post I quoted.

You are right. I apologize. I assumed @WB19905448 knew that.

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Just to be clear, some files like the .cfg’s will be decrypted and not the model itself. That’s an important distinction.

I just checked - in the current SU10 beta, it appears that all the .cfg files are indeed decrypted. Modders are free to go nuts with flight dynamics, systems or whatever.

and what modifications are possible now with unlocked cfg files, besides flight model /dynamics ?
EFB for example ?

The config files allow us to modify existing functionality. The EFB in the 787 is just cosmetic, so there is no functionality.

You would need to add software to act like an EFB and modify the cockpit model to add the click spots to the EFB model and link to the new code.

When do you plan to have your mod available? Thanks fo doing this @TundraKeks22440 !

my question was what in general is possible and what not. add software to an encrypted model is not possible imho.

That’s true. I forgot that the config files will be unencrypted but the aircraft model will not. I guess you have your answer then.

I really don’t know when it got broken but the fuel burn on cruise the B78X 4,700 lbs/p/h that is not correct, as with full fuel you could fly for 47 hours+

I could not find specs for the B78X, but the B789 appears to burn 5400-5600 kg/h

So I think its an error of pounds when it should be kilograms.

Coincidentally, I did a Los Angeles - Honolulu flight yesterday, departing with 65% fuel load, and I still had over half on landing (sorry for the imprecision; I was eager to end the flight).

So, yes, something seems off.

My only wish is that a modder will be able to just change the absolutely horrendous landing behavior of the plane during flare.

Glad to see I’m not the only one seeing strange behavior on landing. Wing dip is similar to the early iterations of the FBW A320 in particular.

One thing that I think is me having a brain ■■■■, is I configure my FMC correctly to how I know, no issues in flight but I never capture the ILS. Never used to have a problem doing so. Also, and probably crucially, I never see the magenta symbols on the PFD, giving vertical and lateral guidance for the landing

(In the A320 you turn on LS to get these to show)

Not sure if I have missed something in regards to the 787?

You can also insert the ILS frequency into the radio nav system right next to your seat. As a back-up in case it’s not being loaded automatically.

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Yeah, I had done that also. No idea why I’m not getting it to capture