The best "fix" for MSFS is "honesty"

Agreed, I was talking about the severe comparison im sure no one will die from the bugs in the sim. No one is 100% satisfied with this product but we are patient as they are working on fixing it as they acknowledged recently. We have 2 options play it and wait or don’t play it. I agree they should’ve done what XP11 did when I purchased it and it was in beta. I would’ve still purchased msfs20 if they called it beta.

I can live with the graphics, the issue is gameplay, autopilot, crashes etc. Now if they would be honest on that it would be a good start. On final approach today my a320 was oscillating the whole leg above and below the GS, to me that’s really unacceptable for this point in time, yet they would rather talk about the VR beta and Japan update.


My 2 cents to your honesty, ok I open my cards to you all:

English please

hahahahahahaha hahaha hahahah hehehehe hehehehe heh

:slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile:

My friend VeryOldKiklop you need click on that link Decline… as hint for lower intelli…

Thank You for your article,well said. This is what Asobo / Microsoft should of said and a formal apology to the sim community for this mess. We would of understood the mistake and just waited for the The new release! I feel bad for simmers It’s a blow to our intelligence! The only thing I can’t figure out is, why do some people have very little problems or none? Are They Lying? BE HONEST like you said.

Thanks again Wareaglex16


I doubt anyone is lying. I think those who say they have “no problems” are either not really using all the functions that should work (like ATC guiding them accurately; being able to intercept ILS/Glidescope; plane not reacting weirdly to flight dynamics; etc. It can’t be that a specific hardware configuration enables all those functions to work and somebody else’s hardware does not. That can happen with crashes, FPS, etc. but how can autopilot functions (operative or not operative/turning off unexpectedly, etc. be different because one person has an Nvidia card and another a Radeon? How can those basic Flight Sim functions work in an Intel computer but not on an AMD? I don’t see how it can. Peripherals may have an effect- I see that can be possible.

So, it’s not that anyone is lying but what they call “no problems” is what you and I would call “problems”. I don’t want complicated “workarounds”. I don’t want to have to run 3rd party ATC or weather addons… I don’t want to modify cfg files to get a basic jet to work. I don’t expect study-level planes “perfect” weather" and can wait for add-ons just like I did with FS9.
I think it’s more what you are willing to accept and what you are not willing to accept. Everyone is entitled to decide whether using FS2020 right now is “fun” or not, or “problem-free” or not.
I also think there are many users who did not get used to the older MS flight sims, which, though visually primitive, worked correctly, but that is a whole different story.

@ Roadspider

Story continue :wink:

Look to my previous post :wink:

I can’t think why, but I just thought I’d post this here

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I havent seen any bad patches that destroy all. The sim still works pretty well for me. What are you downloading? Sounds like user error to me.

Boy, I wouldn’t want the job of dealing with pain-in-the-asses like me! :grin:


Read pls my posts in that Topic - Decline or Roll Back Update… Matrix is opened :wink:

I must do this, people lie and you can simply know who they are…

Maybe the airliners are borked, I don’t know because I don’t fly them, but I’ve been flying the GA aircraft with autopilot functions such as ILS, approach procedures, etc. and I honestly have not had any issues. Can I explain why? No, but it is what it is.

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LOL but severe comparison get’s people attention. Dont you watch the news. Im mean in real life there were Airbus 320 ‘issues’ that contributed in loss of life and destruction of the plane same as the B 747.

Lol yes, we definitely dont want that to happen

Hey! They wouldn’t have to fix it If someone had check it out before the release .That’s my issue.They jump the Gun simple as that! .Will wait a couple of months see what happens. HAPPY FLYING!

The saddest part is that numerous of people bought a brand new rig with flying equipment. 3000 dollar spend on this ■■■■. I am not one of them thankfully, but is not acceptable. But Microsoft earned a lot money bc people are stuck at home due Covid19 and got nothing else to do. What a shame


YES SIR! Shame is what it is! I started a year ago when I first head of the new sim coming out. Bought a new PC with all the bells it needed to run the sim and just waited and waited FOR WHAT! Someone really screwed up big time and has no Balls to explain it to the community Shame on Them!


even much more crazy - it was known that this would happen

i myself, well, have spent around $1.350 for equipment that is - even worse - not able to become delivered due to the high demand !

actually, that’s my only trouble i’m having with this game so far.

They’re not lying saying “they’re not having problems”. You hit it spot on that we are experiencing different things. There’s a post about comparing the european video with what someone could reproduce in game. Seems like if you have the top end video card that didn’t even exist when MSFS came out that it is possible. Of course some people have no issues with the game.

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