Just updated to . I did the St Barts landing challenge.
On the first attempt the blue square was present, but from the second time it is gone!
We can see straight from the beginning when it shows the runway, before flying;
Same here. Disappeared on my second attempt on the Halloween landing challenge. Did nog come back when I tried another challenge.
Also most instruments in my C152 froze when doing the Halloween LC, on the second and third run. Tried another LC with C172, no instrument freeze. Tried some free flight with C152, no instrument freeze. Have not had time for further troubleshooting.
pretty sure the instruments freezing is intentional, is supposed to be spooky. I think it happens right when your radio goes nuts.
Same here, at least now is saving scores again…
yep, confirm.
sounds like a new zendesk ticket in the making
And on my second attempt on the Halloween landing challenge
Yes the radio noise and attitude indicator is just a welcome from Dracula for an … interesting night in perspective! How romantic! A nice, haemoglobin rich dinner…
Really a massive shame that they messed up the blue square…
I wondered if that might be intentional but on my 3rd attempt the instruments were working fine, 4th and 5th attempts they didn’t work, then on my 6th attempt the instruments worked fine but the blue landing target was gone.
I had my own issues here: Transylvania landing challenge
Ah yes, that would stand to reason I guess. Risky move to introduce that when everyone’s bug radar is on max sensitivity!
Yes mine is gone too on all but the first attempt.
More spooky are the extra row of street lights hovering 100’ above the roads!
Yes I have the same thing and not only on the Halloween one but all of them
Update… LOL… I should better read…
This blue sqare is gone since a longer while… sometime…
I made this for two weeks ( check around 2:30 )…
How weird, that long ago without the blue target…
I found that to have the blue target in Halloween challenge, we now need to go out of the challenge, to the main menu, then re enter
If we re-start from inside the challenge, it is gone in all the challenges I have tried, so I assume in all challenges.
Guys, the instrument faillure is induced by the lightning!
ähmm… it is not allways missing… sometimes it is present… I not yet created a ticket, possible I should do
Yes we know that. Personally I love it: because we have to land with fewer instruments, we have to do it “by eye”, which is even better to show who can really fly or not. Personally, I often land with only looking at the speed, and how the runway looks.
I think they should do challenges where ALL instruments fail.
I recently got ice everywhere with pitot frozen, so no airspeed. SO MUCH FUN! No panic, flew lower, waited for canopy to defrost, as for the speed, easy: while no speed, keep engine high enough, with a general going down attitude, so you know you go fast enough…
Well, the target should always appear, in all challenges. Maybe OK for the Halloween one, but still if you have no target, this is ridiculous then: to try to hit a target, without a target!