The broken 225/03 wind discussion thread [Extremely Concerning]

except a day earlier than you predicted lol

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Itā€™s Thursday morning in Australia. :wink:

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Does anyoneā€™s ATIS report correct weather? Regardless of what the sim shows as actual weather mine says few clouds at 3 altitudes every time. Has been like this since pre release. Has anyone actually reported that to zendesk or had an acknowledgement?

Oh haha youā€™re right, well you have to count us guys in California and those in Hawaii :grin:.

Iā€™m glad they at least finally acknowledged it and its on the list.


nope, never is accurate. When its clear they say thereā€™s multiple layers of clouds with lower visibility and winds


Hmm Iā€™m not to sure if weather feeds with 100% uptime across the globe is reality today. Just not going to happen.


But in every other sim with ā€œlesser technologyā€ this IS a reality. So theres no reason why that cant be achieved and even surpassed here

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If the Internal weather engine issues are never fully solved, Iā€™d be quite happy just to revert to ActiveSky, having been a customer/user of ActiveSky for many years now. Unfortunately it appears from what Iā€™ve read on here, that the SDK specifically doesnā€™t support external weather injection.

ActiveSky has for the most part, been pretty good at retrieving global weather data and injecting it into the supported platform. Occasionally Iā€™d notice old data injected (Rain having stopped over an hour prior at location, but still providing rainfall at a location in the Sim) but I was generally pretty happy as the winds were usually somewhat close to realistic and generally the favoured runway at an Airport in the simulator and would match what real world operations (ATIS Info and Real World Flight Patterns) were doing.

For me this is important as I never rely on internal ATC to dictate my SIDS/STARS and Runways, but follow whatā€™s happening in the real world, when creating and executing a flight plan.


Same here! I actually really hope Active Sky can get on Board at some point. Im sure the devs will slowly iron out the kinks with live weather, but Im not holding my breath for it just yet.

I have a feeling they are going to ā€œfixā€ it, but without actually fixing all of it. Theres currently alot wrong with the live weather lol

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My observations, if they add anything new, or merely add weight to those that have been madeā€¦

Yes wind in Europe is generally good, however there are times where itā€™s clearly wrong, and when taking off in a windy RL place, itā€™s calm. To check, I select wind option 3 on the display, and then after a few seconds of 225-3 as per the main complaints, it kicks in to real world (or near enough looking at with a big kick to the aircraft. Not sure if this MFD setting somehow jumps your client side into action. Perhaps someone in the US could corroborate.

Itā€™s worse in at least the parts of the US I fly around ( west coast) where itā€™s just a static 225/3 (variable between +/- 5deg)

I did notice the same or similar issue on a flight from eddf to eddb where at 29000ft midway through the plane just violently lurched, 0 IAS and wind shifted from 310/54 to 225/3 and a few seconds or so after that back to 310/54 with another violent shake.

This still makes me suspicious of a server side bug more than a local game issue. But itā€™s definitely there and noticable

new Zealand 225/03 surface and aloft winds as well. Hope they figure it out for the next fix


Same for Victoria Australia thoug direction changes slightlyā€¦ Totally unrealistic flying how can we ever plan our flights properly.

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Donā€™t you all love how we waited two weeks for a patch that fixes NOTHING any of us asked for? Except those having issues installingā€¦ :unamused:

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Not sure the priorities here work. I do want wind to be fixed no doubt but is it too much to ask to have some empathy for people currently completely unable to even install let alone then get mad at the wind?

Since this is close to tick me off a lot Iā€™m going to exit this thread now.


So then it did fix something that people asked for. Some people werenā€™t even able to install the sim, so those people are no doubt happy.

Try to think of others?


Thatā€™s very reassuring. THANKS!

A pity that these kind of answers have to come from within the community and not from the devs themselves, alas. Thanks again!

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One dev from the Game Engine team actually did answer a few days ago saying they were well aware of the SimConnect stuttering issues and told they found the root cause and were working on a patch.

The devs are here. Theyā€™re probably watching and reading every issues thread. But idk why they donā€™t want to participate first-hand.

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Iā€™d say thereā€™s be a multitude of reasons. Better spent time on fixing problem than talking about them, Would possibly get hounded with questions and messages rather than people putting them through ZenDesk etc.

I do think the community managers should probably interact a little more in the spirit of transparency though.

Seeing a lot of the posts around here, I think they would be torn to shreds! :laughing: no, those poor folks at ASOBO need to stay focused on ironing out MS productā€¦now get that bean counter in here that made the choice to release this too early to maximizeā€¦thats who I would like to talk to.