The career mode is server side for one reason only $$$

Remember when Asobo said the career has to be server side because no one likes a cheater, well that’s Ironic since they will sell you 10000 “SimCoins” to speed up your progress in career mode. This is from a request originating from the games marketplace. Now I don’t care about you buying Simcoins, I care that this is the reason career mode can’t really be modified without extensive help from Asobo, so no easy BeyondATC/Vatsim/other networks, no outside marketplace aircraft, corporate greed strikes once again.

Screenshot 2024-11-23 121316

EDIT: It is now understood that the cheaters pack is likely a dev thing, because the price of 100 Simverse Coins being $28. But it goes from 10 all the way to 600 credits that can be purchased in one go.


Found the pricing based in EUW, 100 simcoins will set you back 28 euros:

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Seriously Asobo…
A pure single-player experience with aircraft modules the player already purchased with real money. And still trying to force players to pay a second time to get it in the career campaign… That surely explained the F2P level of grind with no economy difficulty options selectable in career mode.
This is the level of greed and shamelessness that is beyond all those F2P P2W games… At least you get what you paid for in those games.


■■■■, I also suddenly understood why Asobo also makes all career missions with extreme turbulence and wind. It is not glitches but intentional, in order to make players especially the casual ones frequently crash when taking off & landing, thus losing those aircraft. So Asobo can force players to buy simcoins to get what they already grinded back without another hellish grind…


I believe that’s the currency that the marketplace uses.

When we purchase items, we are actually purchasing coins that are then used to acquire the products. I believe that is done for legal purposes.


Meaning career mode is locked behind content on which Asobo can double dip. I still assume and this is speculation that career mode will also get microtransactions but time will tell.

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Exactly. Those who have purchased content in the past will know that your money converts into steam/platform money which then converts into FS money strictly for the purpose of unlocking them in-game. It’s most likely a security measure to prevent anyone from attacking the marketplace or servers to steal identity and payment info or money ‘in transit’. This way, if there is a cyberattack, they can’t steal your payment info or your digital funds. You can’t rob the festival go-ers because they’ve traded their money for tokens.

Asobo already stated there would be no microtransactions or pay-to-play involved.

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Im really trying to not believe this… I didnt buy the game bucause i just never pre order. I made a gamepass sub to see how the sim was and im very happy wiyh my decision. At this point i cant justify the price of the upgrade from 2020 on the free flight part. Im happy with i can achieve with 2020 and was looking to the career mode as the only thing that could make me upgrade. Im not a casual player, i tend to only fly the Fenix and PMDG aircraft and am holding off to see how the addons will work o career. At this point it seems difficult to happen. Seen this post… a lot of things make sence. I think that not even the iniBuilds that are part of the base game are available in career and that is VERY strange


I started my own career mode company now in the game, and this offers the possiblity to purchase aircraft.
You can buy used aircraft and new aircraft with the virtual money you earned in the career mode.
And you can purchase aircraft in the marketplace for Simverse Coins.

The fact that there is no way to transfer your real money over to career credits should tell you that you are misunderstanding things at best. The only money at play in career mode is the virtual money you grind out in career missions, and zero real world funds. The only time real world money is used is for buying things in the marketplace, which have no impact on career progress.

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If what you are saying is true, then why can’t I access the missions advertised in trailers outside of the career mode? What possible reason can Asobo have to make me suffer through hours and hours of flying boring sightseeing missions I don’t want, just to access the content I bought the game for?

(One reason coming to mind is that they hope it’ll take me so long to get there, that in the meantime they can fix at least some of the game breaking mission bugs :slight_smile: )


Same thought and at the best it’s still a mode which can only be played with extra content if asobo made extra profit off it by taking a cut from marketplace mods. With no possibility to add to it yourself, just disappointing all around.

Did they actually advertise you could play missions outside of career mode? I don’t recall seeing that. I know there is a wishlist item to allow it, but it’s also logical to keep structured missions in a career mode setting that you have to work up to.

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Did they actually advertise you could play missions only in career mode?

Regardless, the questions still remains: what is the reason I can’t play missions outside of career mode? Give me one good reason.

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Where are these coins and how much are they?

Isn’t this like every other major title out there? Play for free, or spend money to go faster?

I’ve not found any locks yet.

Except you don’t play it for free. Rather the career mode is one of the major selling features of a $70 bucks above full-price game. Not even mentioning those edition and marketplace aircraft the player already specifically paid for.

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It’s cool, but I would have bought it with or without so as far as I’m concerned it’s free, even if in a technical sense, it’s not. I’m just asking where the tokens are for sale.

Edit: And I meant other games you pay for like Far Cry, etc where you can buy some in game trivialities that boost your “experience.”

That would be more in comparison to selling all sorts of aircraft liveries dedicated to career mode companies don’t you think?

That would defeat the purpose of a career mode. If you could just jump in and free flight the missions, why have a career mode at all? Everyone would just do them as a free flight. The whole idea of a career mode is to give you something that is unique and rewards the player.


There are none as far as career mode is concerned.