The Game is completely broken and no longer fun

Im not sure how many people this issue has affected but it makes the game much harder, drawn out and boring.

Private Charter - VIP missions and Cargo Transport - Medium are completely unavailable for me, I don’t know how to rectify the issue. I have restarted my career mode from scratch in anticipation of some form of change but none has come.

The game is based on a progression system in which the more certifications you have, the more businesses become available to you. The draw back to this is that the planes increase in value along with the general maintenance fee.

Since I don’t have the 2 most lucrative businesses available to me (Passenger Transport is completely broken), I am forced to grind Private charter service in order to make money.

I have just purchased the Citation CJ4 (as it appears as a purchasable plane under my private charter business), however no missions exist for it and I’m unable to use it to complete my missions.

I had to sell my ES-30 and pack up shop as Passenger Transport is broken. bought an ES-30 and it crashed costing me 300k. The latest patch was released and it functioned under very specific circumstances, I was only able to complete 4 short mission before the game broke again and failed my mission, this time costing me 4mil in damage. I sold my plane and bought a 2nd second hand plane. Instantly crashed again this time costing over 6 mil in damages.

At this point in time, I have no more business that work or remotely makes sense financially, also, for the past 2 days a grand total of 0$ has been issued for passive income. In addition, I’ve seen on 2 occasions where I have completed a mission, received my xp and then did not get paid.

This game is beyond frustrating and I strongly believe something should be done to reimburse players, it makes no sense to play a game if the game itself puts you in debt.

Its also no fun doing the same thing over and over again when there are other things that can be done but are unavailable to you because of the broken state of a game.



You’re not the only one. See this forum topic for more details:

It goes from “wow! Can’t wait to try career mode!” To “career mode sucks! Completely broken!” Lol


Msfs2024 Is a cluster, their quickly taking 2020 down the same road…

Asobo are using their customers as unpaid alpha testers. It’s a disgrace.


Have you done the introductory missions (the ones with the gold/yellow icon) for each specialization? You will only get missions after you’ve completed those.


Sorry about the difficulties. There are some good youtube vids out there on the es-30, apparently you need to open and close the cargo door at the RH side rear and for some reason it stabilises things. Secondly, if you buy an ES-30 or any plane and it isnt sufficiently repaired it will crash. Third if you have not done the GOLD star missions - might be in employed section - you wont be able to do a career in any category you have a business in. For passive earnings - I dont know where you live but log out before UTC in your local area and then log back in. I still get passive earnings for missions that fail even though I dont get mission payout.

The community here will help you - check out the forums, they are informative.

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The problem is that Asobo try to expand the user base of 2020 with this stupid arcade dlc instead create a GAME for console players.
At the end console players find the career not interesting (obviously cause is not also in the real life) and simmers is angry cause asobo is loosing time fixing the arcade part of the Sim.