The Great Big P-40 Thread

Oh how I long for the A2A Accu-Sim P-40 for FSX/P3D to come to MSFS. The Big Radial version looks especially “off” on the ground IMO . Would be nice if Big Radials came back to this one for an update as I really like their Norseman and have heard great things about the Goose

Actually, I’m not sure how “off” it looks? I think part of the issue with that image is that it’s very wide angle, which gives it a very fish eye view. If the plane was more centered, and you zoomed the view in and moved the camera back, it might look a little more proportional.

The gear does seem a little tall. Iikely they’re not compressed enough under the weight of the plane.

That sheen on the skin doesn’t help.

I too would rejoice if A2A does a P-40 for MSFS, but I can’t agree about the “off” comment. Looks like all planes look from certain perspectives in MSFS. And actually, ALL P-40’s look a little strange to me in ANM. There just weren’t too many of them left that way.

All 3 are currently for sale in MSFS marketplace (Flight Replicas, Big Radials, Inibuilds). The Inibuilds is $10.00 USD. A bargain for such a beauty !

We need to do a P-40 fly-in


I’ll trhow in a 4th P-40, freeware on FS.2: an AVG P-40C.
Simulation wise it is not much, but it looks great I think, so I did a few more paints for it. If I compare it to the BR P-40B, internally it is no match, but externally I prefer this one.

avg77 (0004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

AVG75 (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

AVG48 (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

now an A2A P-40, that would be really nice…


Now to get one with a Pearl Harbor livery.

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Big Radials 284 livery is the Pearl Harbor livery. That’s the model flown at the time of Pearl Harbor.


Guess I skimmed it.


Great Pic!

Hamming it up for the camera…


BlockquoteIt is not entirely impossible, but it is grotesquely difficult (for me), since the textures for the fuselage and wings are cut up in many randonly distributed pieces

I found that just scouring all of Big Radial’s liveries for parts and pieces I wanted and just throwing them into the texture files got me the results I wanted … still took me 3 nights to finish it.

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My camo recolor was found to work really well in Guilian, China! I took the green from the Pearl Harbor livery and the green from the AVG livery (-10% red, I think) and combined them for this LOL, which was a total accident. My only goal was for it to look cool …


It does look cool- and bravo to you for the effort. Do you have a paintkit for the BR P-40 or ???
I admit I mostly do not follow what you did because I am not a skinner. What program did you use?


I don’t have a paintkit, and tbh, I haven’t successfully created any liveries … at best I have repainted existing liveries. I go into the program files and take all the texture files for a specific livery out, save them somewhere else so I don’t lose them, and open them in Photoshop. I use Illustrator to make new graphics, and then import them into Photoshop if I need to. I am a sign designer by trade, so I’ve never had to use Blender, though I just installed it so maybe I will dip into it!

After sufficiently changing the texture file, I export to .dds and override the files in the texture folders in the MSFS directory.

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Oh man, was it fun to try and find all of those flap supports in the wing files! I also did the wheel wells and added a texture for the internal wing spars that show with the gear extended. Man, I am starting to get the hang of these Big Radials texture files!


Good looking work, I may have to delve into this myself. I have been salivating for an authentic AVG 75 since this bird was released.

I use photoshop with an NVidia dds plugin. Open the files, do what I need to. I usually work in layers and save a psd elsewhere on my system, then export to dds. Since I haven’t figured out creating a new livery for msfs yet, I just overwrite whichever existing livery I want lol.

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