The Halo spaceship DLC

Could there be a surprise in the surprise… It’s probably to eliminate all that VATSIM traffic that bothers us in the sky :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Flying the Pelican while listening to this soundtrack feels glorious…

I love the Halo Pelican update, it’s awesome and it’s something new that we have not gotten yet in games and I’m loving the concept aircraft like the dark star as well because it brings back the days of surfing through the misc category for fsx and fs2004


Different teams and different skill sets.

It’s like asking a florist to fix your car or a butcher to repaint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. They could have a go but I doubt the results would be what you’d expect.


Perfect. No resources re-allocation is needed then. Situation is completely under control so they can continue producing, testing and implementing secondary assets that lead us nowhere. We can enjoy the UFOs because hey, who cares about the core if they keep feeding us with free content? Let´s wait another half a year till we have a proper platform.

And delta please control that ego a bit. We are not idiots so we don´t need to read such answers.



Imagine doing what you like, and being verbally harassed over it. Some people never cease to amaze me.

Don’t want the free product? Don’t download it and continue with your life. If you don’t download it, you won’t see it in multiplayer either.


Yeah, me too. Wish I could get rid of it.

(…and who the devil are Mave and Rick anyway? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Some real nonsense in this thread.

People complained that even Reno Air Race DLC was too “arcadey”. These people just love to complain, they will never be happy and the thing they seem to hate the most is when other people are happy about something that they don’t like.

Every month, Asobo does a Q&A, they do development updates every week, the roadmap has been there since 2020. In the same announcement as the Pelican, they told us we are getting a free study level aircraft, 2 free gliders, 2 free helicopters, 3 other, long requested vintage aircraft and these people ignore all of that to complain about a free, optional sci-fi aircraft.

There is no winning with them.


The real question is , is this ship " STUDY LEVEL " ??? :wink::crazy_face:

I don’t know but I’d like to. Maybe there’s another thread where we can discuss how to fly it because this one seems to be full of people whinging.

I loaded it up and had a look around. Beautifully modelled as always for Asobo craft. All the dimple texture looks amazing when reflecting light. The cargo area and door is great.

I spun it up from c&d, nice systems, played with the displays bit. Took off and tried hover mode, seems a bit too jerky to be real. Switched to cruise mode and flew out around, seems pretty good.

It’s a drop ship though, it flies between the surface and a spaceship in orbit so off we go. Well off to about 41,000ft. I can’t get much higher. This thing is supposed to go to space, it’s using rockets for lift not wings. It should build speed faster as you get higher since gravity is weaker and less drag from the atmosphere. All seems a bit wrong at this point.

I tried a low altitude loop over and it didn’t handle too well there either.

I’m not sure what if anything I’ll use this for. It doesn’t seem to do what is expected, it’s nicely modelled, but seems to be lacking a purpose. Maybe the hover mode would be useful for looking at scenery from the external view but that’s not something I really do.

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As the Pelican appears to operate mostly in the operate in the low orbit and suborbital environment from what I’ve seen in the media where it appears, it should be able to use a satellite celestial navigation system like GPS as long as it has a properly configured receiver, up to date ephemeris information, etc.

I believe most real-world modern space vehicles and satellites have GPS as part of their navigation systems, though I would guess most have them working in tandem with some sort of inertial navigation system and other systems. Apparently, from what I’m reading, spacecraft GPS receivers do have to have some additional capabilities compared to most, such as being able to deal with significantly higher Doppler shift in the signals due to their high relative velocity compared to the GPS satellites. Obviously, you have to be close enough to the GPS constellation to get a usable figure of merit on your fix, i.e., if you were halfway to Mars, all the Earth GPS satellites would relatively speaking appear right next to each other and their signals would arrive at almost the same time, so your positional error would become huge.

I would imagine that in-universe various UNSC controlled planets would have navigation satellite constellations, and their spacecraft would be able to use them if available, but that wouldn’t be an option if trying to fly around an unexplored world.

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This “controversy” is so overblown and hyperbolic it’s quite entertaining. This Halo add-on really changes nothing for you serious simmers. Do not download the Pelican and you’ll only see a generic model. Yes, it will hover but we already have lots of 3rd party helicopters that do the same.

Right now, the Pelican is new and shiny so lots of people will be trying it out. Give it a week and most people will get bored with it and soon your flight simulator will be back to whence it 'twas.


“Ask [the internet] and you shall receive”:

(coming straight from my favourite search engine of choice ;))

Where the hell is the switch for the outer door?

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Non functional missiles… Sounds like fun🤔.

No it will not.

I’ve already had enough F-18’s and DARK up to now to know that there is no more online flying for me.

I will now just fly with the robots as casual has become far too casual and the chances of me going AVSIM are non existent. MSFS as it was to me was the brass ring, sure there were nutters about but it wasn’t distracting it was more entertaining.

I laughed at the number of Sully Sullivan’s in the river because it was tied to an actual aviation event.

This DARK and spaceship stuff, just no.



Screens are there but no top gun.

Great addition to MSFS! I spent about three hours flying it yesterday with some friends and we had a great time! They did an excellent job modeling it.

For those who feel that this is too much sci-fi for them, they don’t need to fly it. And we do have real planes that have a similar flight model. The F-35B come to mind. It hovers and flies very similar to it.

I love the Transformers like look!

MSFS/Asobo, keep up the great job you are doing!!


The pilot must give this spaceship it´s purpose and think of making interesting scouting search and rescue and “other” missions :wink:

By the way is there any way to open this cockpit door and have a look into the cargo room?

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Oh and I already purchased a space ship TYVM Asobo

The MD 80 has such awesome lighting