The Merry Christmas Megathread

Merry Christmas, Asobo, Bing, Blackshark AI, Microsoft, of course the flight sim community and to whoever else who was/is involved in the development of FS 2020!

I wish you a well deserved holiday season and am looking forward to what next FS 2020 may bring us!

So let me just say thank you! I still feel the same way like after my initial reaction to FS 2020 (The future has arrived!): this flight sim brought us all a huge step forward into the future of flight simulation, and personally made me “come back” to flight simming (from after Falcon 3.0 and friends on the good ol’ PC 486 days - go figure ;))

And to the community: your passion and enthusiasm will make this a great and realistic flight simulator, and I hope that a lot of third party developers will bring us the desired “study level” aircrafts. Personally I see the FS 2020 as a great platform for this. And needless to say that the stock aircrafts are already great fun to fly - I just love the clouds, man!

And a big shoutout to the FWB A320 community mod developers, you are great! I had never thought that just within weeks of my “re-entry” I would have dared to get into such a rich airplane model and dare to fly it! But yes, wanting to know “what that little knob over there is actually doing” is addictive :slight_smile:

Again, merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays you all!


Happy Christmas to you too mate. :santa:


A very Merry Christmas to all!


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