This event will provide VFR and IFR ATC services for KMIA, KRSW, KEYW, and the southern airspace of the ZMA ARTCC. No registration is necessary. All skill levels, including new beginners and experts, are encouraged to attend!
Participants are encouraged to choose aircraft, flight paths, and airports as desired. Get creative; we’re happy to accommodate! Feel free to coordinate flights with others, or go solo. The sky’s the limit!
How do I join?
Download and set up Flight Events. MSFS Client is mandatory; Toolbar is optional
Connect to #FE Preparation channel in MSFS Discord
Disable AI ATC: Settings → Assistance → User Experience → ATC Voices
Spawn at a gate or in-air–not on a runway–with the following multiplayer settings: US-East Server; All Players; No Traffic; Live Weather
How do I learn to talk with ATC?
Practice makes perfect. That’s why we–ATConnect–host these events; you don’t need any experience to join! Coming to the event is a great place to start, along with the following resources:
Interested in joining ATConnect as a virtual controller?
That’s great! We’d be more than happy to provide training on how to join the other side of this and other events! For more information, please visit our website:
A reminder to anyone following this thread, the event begins 2020-12-05T20:00:00Z
Be sure to take a look at the flow charts if your ever confused on any procedures, or ask a controller and they’d be happy to guide you through the steps!
Pro tip: Try to contact the ground controller on initial contact with your:
Just wanted to say big thank you for organizing this. This was my first flight with real ATC from parking to parking and with the provided PDF it went as smooth as it could be. Simply amazing and looking forward to the next ATCConnect Fly-in event.
Shoutout to all the awesome ATC controllers today!
thanks for having the opportunity to fly with live atc! Since this is my first flight sim and this was my first live-atc-experience I have to say it went really well. I took the slowest plane I am comfortable with (the xcub) and flew from Miami to Fort Myers. Actually I think I was more on active pause to read through the next communications in your cheatsheet, but that helped a lot.
I was really amazed at the disciplined behavior of the people in the chat.
I really like this community!
Thank you for arranging this! First time flying with live ATC. Did a short flight from Fort Myers to Miami and the experience was great. Using all the [really helpful] available information I managed to fly an A320 IFR between the 2 coasts!
1 bit of feedback I would give is that I think I encountered a potential bug with the flight events client. I found that about half way through the client seemed to stop communicating with discord meaning I wasn’t able to change the radio frequency in game and kept having to jump over to discord and find the relevant channel. I managed fine but whilst trying to manage the aircraft I found my self scrolling past the right channel on one occasion scratching my head wondering where it was!
I really want to say thanks for the whole team, it was great pleasure, though I joined very late, but it was great fun and thanks again for extending the time. Best wishes to ALL
Great event. This was my first MSFS multiplayer event and first time playing it with Disco comms.
I appreciate the time & effort of the organizers to put this together!
This event was a blast! Thanks to all who organized it. The controllers were amazing, having traffic, spacing, radio traffic, that was relevant, is exactly what this simulator is missing. Thanks to everyone who participated for making this happen.