THE rudder

I think the rudder on a plane should only YAW, not ROLL.

The YAW and ROLL is pointless and makes the rudder on a plane a useless feature.

Can we please correct this error so I can make my rudder pedals usefull again?

well, there is an effect called “rudder induced roll”, so I am afraid that in principle that is correct behavior … as I am no pilot I can not say, if its implemented correct though.

See i.e. rudder induced roll


Yaw puts one wing back in the wake of the nose of the plane and one wing forward, which will induce roll. If the wings are swept, the forward wing will also gain more lift since it will be effectively longer than the other. Look up rudder roll, which is done using neutral ailerons.


Yes. ^^^^^. And if you are banked 90 deg the rudder works as an “elevator” and the elevator as “rudder”…. This is how planes work in real life.


I don’t know why some people post without searching first.
A simple Google search would have been way faster than creating another useless topic.


A rolleffect is absoluty normal when you use the rudder. I fly the Cessna 172 in real life. Please be a little bit careful with such statements if you are not a pilot in real life and know how a plane behaves. Perhaps use google before you write something like this… There you also get the answer :+1:

MSFS 2020 wants to be a simulator and with statements like this the developers begin to dump the sim down. See the missing ups and downs drafts in the sim. The developers said that they omitted the ups and downs on purpose…since the Simupdate 4 there also no windgusts. That’s all because of the people who aren’t able to classify the real behaves of planes…


Just out of interest: when are you using your rudder pedals?

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Suggest reading up on the principles of flight before making a complaint mate. There are lots of real pilots in here that are probably going to tell you the same.


What? Where?

Xbox player maybe???

Exactly…when I was learning to fly, I had to do a part circuit (commencing mid downwind), and landing, without touching the yoke…hate to think where I would have wound up without the yawing effect of the rudder…


I remember this too! I took every ounce of my willpower to not reach up and grab it when turning final :joy:


Try landing at any airport where the threshold is in front of a drop off, or cliff. There are of course many like this, but there is one in particular that I like: Madeira. It’s right next to the sea, with a buttressed area just off the runway, and mountains on the other side.

As you come in over the sea, the wind will either lift you up as you approach the threshold, or try to send you down into the cliff.


Just watch the Q & A developer videos. Seb talked about the missing up and down drifts for example in the near of showers or in thunderstorms…

Have you also tried to set some wind gusts in the weather settings? The function is broken since Simupdate 4. Try it :v:

The principle for both swept and straight wings are the same. Yaw induced roll because the outer wing travels faster, more speed is more lift hence roll. Not because the wing is in the wake of the nose. An added effect of a swept wing is that the effective chord increases.


As stated already by others, yaw induces roll and roll induces yaw. Its normal behavior.

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Ah, I was referring to terrain driven effects, where an incline can lead to either an up or down draft depending on which direction the wind is blowing.

Yes, many times, and it depends on what you mean by broken. It feels “odd” is the only way I can describe it, and made my takeoffs all but uncontrollable, even at low wind speeds. I haven’t tried in SU5 though.

Ok. That’s a different issue and it sounds less dramatic that way.

I know, but can you confirm that the gusts have been intentionally removed?

At the moment we have only a steady wind, because there are no wind gusts.

No I can’t confirm that the gusts have been intentionally removed. Hope we will get an answer in the next Q & A…

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I think suggesting to someone to Google first is a little condescending don’t you think? I’m sure we all know how to Google something. This is a forum about flight sim so you should expect people to be asking questions. Not everyone is a pilot on here. The majority of us are enjoying a hobby.

Did you also know that this sim doesn’t actually simulate adverse yaw properly? So not everything will be simulated as it does in real life.