The scaling in VR is completely off (cockpits are way too tiny, seats look like elementary school children classroom seats etc.)

Greetings pilots,

I am currently re-building my room into a VR studio, and the first Flight Simulator 2020 3D VR test was now successful.
Because the powerful graphics card is not yet in my computer the screenshots are not in 4k, but it was just for testing purposes.

But… I noticed one absolute immersion-breaker immediately, it´s the size and the scaling of the cockpit.
While all other VR games I have aquired (like Blair Witch, Layers of Fear, Battlezone, Robinson and whatnot…) have a PERFECT realistic size of the furniture, the rooms, chairs, tables, trees, cars, of course the virtual hands… the scaling and sense of size in Flight Simulator 2020 is completely off.

All the cockpits look like half the size they actually should be, the cockpit seats don´t look like seats for adults but have the size of classroom seats for elementary school children.

Because I plan to fly almost daily in VR after upgrading the graphics card to a Sapphire Radeon Puls 6800XT in December - with the Fenix Airbus of course - please make the cockpits scaling in VR at least twice the size to have a realistic sense of space room dimensions and size while in VR :slight_smile:

Or even better add a scaling slider into the VR menu like the awesome Microsoft Blair Witch game has, because it is not exactly 200% but an enlargement of 150-170%.

I am looking forward for some intense VR cockpit hours, but please no longer shrink the cockpits to half or their real counterpart size - while looking back and looking at the Fenix Airbus cockpit entry door I have noticed that I am not even fitting through these small door, especially not after all these christmas cookies :smiley:

Because VR is the absolute must-have and the most immersive and intense form of enjoying virtual reality, a new important aspect has come to games and simulators: Textures, polygons - but also the sense of size in the threedimensional room, the scaling while looking through VR glasses.

Have a great weekend :slight_smile:

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Im sure theres a world scale slider in the vr graphics settings menu. Its near the top of the settings.


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Which VR HMD do you have?

I had this for awhile until they put the world scaling into the sim. You can adjust it in a flight to get it where you want it. Mine seems right at 110%. Im using the HP G2 v2

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It´s a nice new shiny Oculus Meta Quest 2 :slight_smile:
But unfortunately in OpenXR Toolkit the menu is not showing up when pressing CRTL + F2… and there is no world and cockpit scaling option in the VR menu.
Maybe I find more options when using developer mode… :wink:

There are two ways to adjust the scaling of the cockpits in VR. In-game (didn’t you look?), and in the OXR Toolkit (for over a year now). Enjoy! :+1:

Then either OXRTK is disabled or other key combinations are set to invoke it. Can you post a screen shot of your OXRTK companion app screen? As noted above there several ways to adjust your world scale/fov.

I think it’s called World Scale in the VR graphics menu

Here is the screenshot :slight_smile: no there is no world scaling option in the VR menu, only the graphics options menu has a texture render scaling option for more performance :slight_smile:

I think will have a closer look into the OpenXR toolkit… These cockpits would be PERFECT in the right size, maybe 135% scaling size might be perfect.
Battlezone VR had the opposite problem, a seat for a giant and this game looked good at 83% size scaling via SteamVR options, but the SteamVR options are not functional because just like Alien Isolation the Flight Simulator launches fully in 2D and activates VR later ingame. (which makes some of the SteamVR options not usable. It can be launched in SteamVR with virtual desktop, but some of the SteamVR graphics modifications will not be functional this way.)

By the way do you think a Sapphire Radeon 6800XT will be sufficient for ultra crisp clear 4k VR flying? Has anyone experience with this card?

You’re looking in the wrong menu, it’s in Graphics. Ensure you switch it to VR graphics settings with the arrow.

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AWESOME when switching over to the headset with CTRL + Tab my new cockpit size companion “OpenXR” showed up on it´s own, and in the third tab I had to navigate with CTRL + F1 / F2 and F3 there is a world scaling option in this fine graphics mod.

The cockpit nicely got bigger when pressing F3 and at 120% size it looked allright. Fantastic!!
The graphics card is not yet ordered that´s why I can make only 3D-headset tests right now in the lowest possible resolution and graphics setting with ~4 FPS, but the seats now already have nice realistic proportions now, and everything looks good and well-proportioned and “Airbussy” :smiley:
The fine tweaking will be made in 4k.

Sorry none of my three screenshot tools (not Steam F12, not XBox Gamebar Windows + Alt + Print, nor Lightshow) is catching that active OpenXR menu while in the Fenix cockpit.
You programmed this menu very stealthy, I assume it is even invisible for radar :wink: only the human eye can see it while wearing a VR-headset.

Finally the Flight Sim is perfect.
(Hmmmm not yet perfect to be precise, because every good VR headset only comes to live with a hellish expensive graphics card - so this will be the next upgrade *gg)

Ultra crisp 4k in VR? That’s a mighty high bar you’ve set. :slight_smile: Unless you find a 6800 for dirt cheap, I’d wait a few more days for the RX 7900 release.

Do you have your IPD measurements?

I’ve got mine dialed in with OpenXR, but for some reason I don’t seem to ever notice much difference. I think my brain just adapts.

As above that’s the wrong menu, you want GRAPHICS → VR and it’s in there, use either that OR the OpenXR Toolkit for world scale not both at the same time (may/may not cause issues)

Matthew should make the OpenXR toolkit worldscale available to real world aviation! Have to be a contortionist to get in a C152 or Ryanair seats! :sweat_smile:

For me with the G2 are 100 reals in size, and the sliders in 100, some in size as expected, others more compact than expected or huge than expected.

There is. Under graphics.

And scaling is hugely dependent on IPD. The fact you think everything is way too smal is probably because your IPD setting is off.

Also: planes are surprisingly small. Very cramped in general.

You change the IPD in your HMD and you don´t notice any change in size, I think that is an accepted urban legend and assumed with faith like true, like the “religion” science without debate, without debate there is not science and that is not science, so IPD is not related but the DPI of each VR HMD in my experience, with my first VR HMD Quest 2 all was more huge, with the G2 I think 100% in size.

Probably if they don´t know where is that setting, they tweaking move them to 50% thinking in reduce GPU loads and bad performance or so without knowing what they were doing, only reducing sliders for more performance.

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It’s not. It’s math :smiley: