The tradition continues

Fair enough, but kids are on here and they have a code of conduct. I like to think I’m a good forum member, but I got cautioned yesterday for overstepping the line. It’s their forum and people from all over the world post and read here, so what I say may be fine in Oz but not in other countries.

So yeah, I’m a pensioner, but I still react well to discipline, hahaha!

66 in July. Freshmen were required to use punch cards, but by mid-term, I had used up so many cards with typing — sorry, KEYPUNCH — errors they put me on a terminal.

Kids these days. They don’t know how good they have it living in their mom’s basement, with their Personal Computers and Interwebs and GPS and cellulite phones and such…

Hey! Get off my lawn!!!


Haha! Yeah, I have more computing power and insane graphics on my Android 10 phone than the entire world had back in the day, but my ringtone is still a classic bell.

I just upped my bandwidth from my ISP this week from 50Mbs to 100Mbs and even that is puny compared to other countries, where 1 Gbs is not uncommon. It’s insane where IT has gone in my lifetime. My first flight sim was a wireframe chessboard for the world with a rectangle as the runway. My plane was literally a single pixel, a dot. I thought it was great.

Now look at the detail of the FBW A320 Neo in this sim…

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flaps efficacy across the board - too much lift/nose up attitude at every setting in every aircraft. An error in the global flight dynamics setting that doubles the lift / pitch moment while failing to induce drag.
It has been noted by Asobo and they have published the line to adjust for end users who want to manually fix it on their own local machines but have decided NOT to make a hotfix for it


It absolutely drives me crazy to see how many clueless people there are. As a community, we absolutely don’t know how to fly correctly, how to identify problems or correctly assign responsibility for them, perform basic troubleshooting to eliminate variables, or maintain enough consciousness and reading comprehension to even be aware when our favorite whipping boy tells us all we need to know.

It makes me ashamed to be the same species as 85% of the people on this forum. And then I remind myself that the average IQ is 100, and that most of these people when asked about the results of their IQ test happily exclaimed, “I aced it!”

well ok I wouldn’t go so far - I remember the original Jurassic Park and the lone coder for that place talking about debugging 32million lines of code lol with his workstation looking like someone emptied a 7/11 dumpster on it…these people are not that guy…well not ALL of them anyway.

Instead I keep thinking that this is probably an overworked, understaffed crew, dealing with a daily production schedule that would make your eyes bleed. Things are just bound to slip through the cracks regardless of the effort to prevent it. I have worked in such environments and it can be tough - especially when it feels like it could be a while before there’s any daylight

Here the fix:

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No they have not continued the tradition yet as we don’t have a single helicopter :joy:

ASOBO if you are reading this please don’t ignore.

Where I work a lot of our smaller client societies still have breeding databases on our legacy VMS Alpha based systems and they are all programmed in Fortran.

We have quoted them numerous times on moving to a new faster more reliable cloud based online system but they claim to not have the money (these are cattle breeders who can get $50,000 for one bull).

Yes i’ve noticed this allready. But to be fair some of these problems where allready there before the update. But indeed some only got worse. Especially notice that some aircraft barely slow down on approach untill you go full flaps. Immediately go 2000fpm up barely able to react with controlls and trim.

Shame they won’t make a hotfix for this though… It’s a prety gamebreaking bug. Fortunately not every aircraft seems to be effected.

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Thanks! I don’t think i’ll mess around with this thouhh. But reading this seems like it isn’t really hard to fix. They know what went wrong, know how to fix it and it’s apparently easy enough that they let ous do this ourselves.

So i really don’t get why they won’t release a hotfix for it. Because they want time to test it? Like they needed time to test all the earlier updates? If the fix is allready available to do ourselves, how hard can it be to do a quick test ej just release a small update. This all can probably been done in half a day but they rather have ous fly with a broken sim for some weeks👌

Yup been there, done that, know exactly what you mean.

There is wide cultural mis-understanding.

Just don’t mention anything cricket-related. Then we’d both be on a sticky wicket! I wonder how they’d react to “bowled a maiden over”?

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There’s already a mod on to rectify this Flaps issue, yet again the community fix in a short time what Asobo refuse to Hotfix, such a shame that we have to rely on the community to patch this Sim.


Tired of all this MSFS experience !!! Now i have xbox server connection issues…

Just hate when i pay for something that does not work…

:rage: :rage: :rage:

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The post you replied to has been hidden by the Zealots of ASOBO. Yours wont last much longer.

No wuckers Cobber :innocent:



Yeap… I call them “ASOBO Evangelists”


Careful you will draw the attention of those that can not be named. This whole discussion about whether or not MSFS is following in the steps of the disaster called FSX is pushing the boundary :grimacing:

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Exactly. I am not one bit interested in their PC / snowflake / cancel culture. They can keep that to themselves.

I love my freedoms.


I amwith you but what confuses me is that people feel the need to get defensive and go on the attack when people express their frustration with the game’s shortcomings. If these people are not an MSFS game dev, why do these people get bent out of shape about any criticism or expanding the functionality to helicopters or even multiscreen ? Look at the attacks on anyone posting about VR before we had it, you would think we were asking ASOBO to give us their first born! If you are a game dev, you should be taking the feedback, not arguing with users this is free market research.