I’m on the series X and hoping someone here can either help, or shed light on the issue for me…
Firstly, my internet gives me roughly 650-900mbps, so it’s good enough I think.
Ok, the issue -
I’m finding that things just aren’t rendering in recently unless they’re really close. Even things such as the ground crew, or the runway lights, signs, etc. they’re either rendered in really badly, or not at all. But then when close enough they just pop in.
Likewise, other planes… Now rather than seeing other players planes at distance, all I see is an un-rendered mess until I’m really close to it.
I’m at the point where it’s just putting me off the SIM now.
It’s not a great solution but the real fix would be to upgrade the memory on the console, which you can’t.
Your choices aren’t great I’m afraid. There are some things you can do like fly less complex planes, or fly to less complex airports. Other than that you have to wait for 2024 in November, or get a PC.
This was the fix. When you run out of memory, you either lose scenery or lose the avionics. They chose to keep the avionics in SU15. Would you be happier if they chose to keep the visuals, and go back to where you were in 2021? Remember that it appears you cannot have both, at least on console. Or fly something less complex, and memory hungry.
I know I shouldn’t think this is funny, but I can’t help but visualize someone who walks into a fine steakhouse, sees a 16-oz. Wagyu ribeye at the next table over, opens the menu, and sees:
Not sure why you’re referring to a post from 2021 when we were experiencing SU7?
I have since moved from the series S to the X which immediately remedied the problems I was experiencing back then. I think you’ve missed the point I was making which was that I was experiencing a very good balance of performance vs visuals. What has happened now with the implementation of SU15 is that we have the same simulator which doesn’t offer a good balance of either!
Would I go back to SU14? In a heart beat.
Like I said, I wasn’t experiencing any performance related issue prior to this latest sham of an update.
Because you specifically complained about avionics screens blanking. It has taken them until now to come up with the solution of turning other things off because there is literally no other way around this on consoles. 16GB just isn’t enough right now, and whatever further optimisations they have done for 2024, as long as the gymnastics they are doing on console don’t impact the PC version, then I’ll be happy. We shall see how the two versions compare in November.
I only fly warbirds and GA aircraft for the most part, and the occasional fast jet (Panavia Tornado), so for me personally, SU14 wasn’t as issue. I never once saw a black screen or a CTD as my flights were never really more than an hour.
As it stands now, the game visually is reminiscent to something from the Playstation 1. It’s pretty poor.
Im on Xbox and the sim is absolutely destroyed. Nothing renders. Its like im playing Doom in the 90s. No joke. Its horrible. I attempt to take off and I hit a ~5ft curb going across the runway sending the airplane in all sorts of directions, and am hardly able to even take off. Have to try to lift the nose then bash the main gear and hope for the best. Cant tell where im going other than N,E,S,W due to the world’s being a giant green blur with black squares for lakes/rivers. But hey… at least we got clouds… this is awful. I have a feeling they nuked the sim so people have to buy 2024 in November, or get game pass. So much money lost on the sim itself, and in the marketplace with no refunds available. I feel absolutely cheated out of my money.
That top image is pretty terrible. I’ve never seen anything like that on the PC version. I’ve seen some odd LOD things, like briefly the planes cockpit object will be rendered with no plane around it, but then that rights itself in short order.
How long did it stay like that, before it reverted to the second image?