This game has become a mess on xbox


and while I refrain from the discussion gamer/simmer and what’s better xbox/pc, the reality is that the choice to publish the same version of the software to platforms that are so diverse in their capabilities, the only solution to that is to implement more options to tailor it to your needs without hard-capping the power or the lack thereof by hard-coding stuff just to make them similar looking/performing (which I read is a marketing strategy by MS; no difference between xbox/pc versions).

Give us more options and particularly a wider range of those options that a truly adaptive to what your platform can handle.

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We still talking about Xbox and PC comparisons, oh boy.

PC is obviously more powerful and can produce better graphics/performance depending on what hardware a PC owner has.
But that doesn’t mean that there should be game breaking bugs on either platform or that update releases should be separated for each platform.
Both should run stable and to their potential.

I hope a hot fix is out today or over the weekend to fix the night lighting, if it was fine before latest update, surely it can’t be hard to find cause and release a hot fix.


Funny I thought the topic here was how the Xbox version is messed up. Not how the Xbox version ruined the PC experience. Probably best to start your own topic. Could be a fun one where I can say how the PC version has derailed Xbox experience with all the variety of hardware out there pulling resources away from that experience.


:point_up_2:This 100%

Biggest mistake was trying to run a complex bit of software on 2 different platforms - should have been separate versions right from the start.

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May have been the only option they had if they were being pressured by MS to get it out to the xbox. If they have had more time???

To be honest I think we all would have been better off if the name of this was MSFS 21 or even 22 if you get my drift

Render scale is not size. Render scale indicates what resolution the GPU will render at based on the native resolution. So if you have a 1080p screen, a render scale of 200 will render the game at 4K and then downscale to fit your screen. Lowering the render scale below 100 will render the game at a resolution below native and then upscale.

I understand that, @Class419mlv … but the topic was about XBox MSFS not allowing to put a render scaling. My idea of choosing a different screen size (and then start MSFS) was just a suggestion, I don’t know if you can connect a smaller monitor on XBox, or fake a smaller monitor, allowing for a 100 render scaling. I wonder what the actual render scaling is on XBox. Not 100, else they would not see the night lights issue…

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It’s probably lower than 100 since we don’t get floating lights.

I was pretty happy with WU6 on Series X at first. That was before I started noticing the extreme terrain morphing in the Swiss mountains.
Its much worse than it was before WU6.

Now I started flying to photogrammetry cities and see that PG is totally broken for me.
I thought it was just the new PG cities but its actually every PG city for me.
PG cities were great for me before WU6 and now they look apocalyptic.

I’m an extremely disappointed Xbox user at the moment.

Yep and now I’m getting angry about it. i was praising this game from the high heavens when it launched but theres constant issues every few weeks.

A lot of the photogrammetry cities i like to flying are seriously off. Lots of morphing, lots of loading in and out when you pan the camera. Had it at London, Miami and Seattle so far. i daren’t try anymore because I’m getting more and more wound up by the second.

I just want to fly and enjoy the game. Cant fly at night, can’t fly over cities.

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Asobo, the answer here is clear. PC and Xbox users are upset now and something needs to change.

Solution (two builds):

  1. Revert PC users to Sim Update 4 and build from there
  2. Revert Xbox users to Sim Update 5 and build from there

An all-in-one solution is clearly not working.


All sounds quite logical, only issue is, you don’t know what you’re talking about :smile_cat:

(they’re not arranging separate servers for PC and XBox…)

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Is it only me?
I’m playing on XSS and since i reinstalled the game a few hours ago i’m not longer able to see other players in the multiplayer.
All privacy-settings are set to be able to play with other people, but when i’m in the game/world there are no names in the Horizon…

Edit: Sorry, my fault!
Traffic-names were disabled!

Sure, while a $3,000 PC may run MSFS better than a $500…I can tell you that out of the all the other things, I simply don’t think it’s worth it. The Series X has already proven that 30 FPS is enough, and it looks graphically stunning. That $500 is simply better value for me, then $3,000. Sorry but that’s the truth, I can’t imagine spending $3,000 for a single video game.

Anyhow, that wasn’t my point. My point was, it is simply easier for MS/Asobo to have one version of a video game. Nobody has ever made two versions for a video game because of hardware limitations, or because one platform is different than another. If anyone did and I stand corrected, then they’re probably banging their heads on the walls. Why? Because it’s a ridiculous idea, that would double the work for the developers and cause more headaches.

And quite frankly, even if I sound stubborn, I applaud MS/Asobo for making flight simulation more accessible because again, even spending $1,000 for a single niche product is insane to me, if I already have a gaming console. I hope the developers continue to go in this right direction.

My only issue are the bugged night lights…however…I’m also getting pretty tired of the constant moaning and complaining on here lately.

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The problem is that many of us already spent thousands of $$$ to upgrade their hardware for this game only for Asobo to render the extra hardware useless after one update (Sim Update 5). That’s of course going to infuriate people.


The issues you are seeing are partly how the scenery delivery works and partly “update week”

There are areas you are seeing issues now which have just been updated with higher quality terrain. The stuff you see from a distance is the lower Res/lower poly mesh stuff. As you get closer the morphing you see is the new higher quality terrain popping in.
It’s simply not possible to have an Xbox (or even many mid range PC’s) draw everything at its highest detail out to the horizon.

Couple this with busy servers because everybody wants to update to the new version and fly the sim to see the new stuff and…

Nah it doesn’t have to be that pronounced. For goodness sakes pc users got a slider. We xboxers didn’t. They should have kept it as was and simply introduced the slider for pc.

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No. PC users don’t have much control over it either.
It’s been a popular topic of discussion on these forums for a long, long time.

Congratulations with that setup. With those specs you’re probably in the top 5% of PC specs in terms of the users on this community. However, if you were to do a random poll, I would bet that the majority of PC simmers in this community don’t have anywhere near the specs that you have. In fact, I would argue that a large amount of players have PC specs that are either equal or maybe even inferior to the specs of an Xbox Series X. Therefore, I don’t believe this is as much of a hardware gap as many people make it out to be. It’s most likely software/optimization bugs and at some point (hopefully soon) MS/Asobo will come out with updates that will satisfy all hardware ranges from low end PCs, to Xbox’s, and the very best PCs (like yours).

Edit: In fact if you look at the Minimum, Recommended, and Ideal PC requirements in the FAQ section, you will see that the Xbox Series X would most likely fall somewhere between the recommended and ideal columns if you were to take the PC equivalent.

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