This is the 225/03 wind thread

Since January.

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Today I saw for first time after some days weather was +/- ok, temperature and wind not correct data. Pressure was +/- ok and also clouds intensity.

See, I just don’t get that.

(They’ve known about this issue since January) Which is why I kinda don’t have faith that it will be fixed— I’ll gladly eat my words tho.

I noticed the real winds aloft come back to the sim (instead of the “standard” 225/03) as soon as you stay in external view for a minute or so. Fixed it for me at least to switch to external view now and then.

AND: In addition to my observation above, I noticed as well that live weather only works on the first flight. Thereafter, you have to restart your sim in order to get live weather again with a different flight plan routing.

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Game map shows accurate winds for a real-life storm. (Picture removed because I’m a new user and therefore only allowed to include one picture)

At the Ready To Fly screen and things already not looking correct, winds from 225.
(Picture removed because I’m a new user and therefore only allowed to include one picture)

The clouds exist, and NEXRAD shows the massive storm, but flying in the middle and winds are 225/3

This is causing me to reconsider just going back to xplane

Soon will have update.

Impossible compare Flight Simulator with Xplane.

It’s really boring. All my flights are canceled until the winds are fixed.

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I also experience this in Australia

Try switching to external view for a few secs or longer (till the winds come back). Could fix it for you too. I’m really curious if this actually is a solution for other players as well or if it was just coincidence in my case.

I also have this everywhere in Australia.

Interestingly enough not Christmas Island though. Winds work perfect there.


Just spent the whole weekend going from Iqaluit, Canad across the US to Camarillo, CA down to Torreon, Co, MX, up to Iowa, up to Iqaluit again…winds always 225 or 226 at 1 to 3 kts regardless of what flight level or weather condition the clouds show…this is ridiculous, even the in-game ATIS says the winds are something else. Anyone know if this is being looked into? I’m filing a zendesk, hopefully someone looks into it at some point.

Needs more "Your ID: " to complete the look

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It will be addressed in the upcoming sept patch

If you look up earlier in this thread, or look at the official site, you would find this developer update. It addresses this exact issue, along with other weather bugs :slightly_smiling_face:

I did some more testing this weekend, and can find to rhyme or reason why in some places there is wind and other places no wind. I flew around Denmark and South Africa and the live weather wind was working. Off the coast of Southern Japan and over Chicago, the live weather wind was not working. Plenty of rain and clouds, but no wind, lightning or thunder. I really hope this is fixed in the next patch.