Thrustmaster Airbus and pc with Xbox control

Hello. Just got MFS on my PC with Xbox download to run it. Also have Thrustmaster Airbus Officer.
I can’t properly link the two. In the Thrust Target software it asks for a working dir. & associate config and assign axes. It looks like MFS is run from a mainframe and not installed on my comp. How do I fill out these items. Using the joy stick I only have control of a few buttons.
I am new at everything. Any suggestions.

Hi and welcome,

all you need you find here :sunglasses:

Issues setting up Thrustmaster TCA Throttle Quadrant - Self-Service / Peripherals - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Thank you but I am such a beginner that when I open the TARGET GUI and hit ADD I can’t fill out the form so I can’t get into anything else.
If I can get thru that then I think your guidence will help a lot.
Thanks again,

My friend - you don’t need the Thrustmaster stuff !
Only go to the settings and make it like in the link above…

Thanks a lot. I now have control over most, if not all buttons. I am now using the training part of MFS.
Thanks again.