Thrustmaster TCA Addon issues

Can you share us a screenshot of your EFB Flypad calibration values for each detent and your control sensitivity curve screen?

I have done the factory reset for all 5 indents at least 20 times, pressing the two buttons and then finally the two black ones. I was able to reset throttle but speedbrake and flaps are not resetting. I have 0 @ indent 1 and 50% @ indent 3 and nothing in between.

Well, when you factory reset by pressing the red buttons on all 5 detents
 Did you move the spoilers lever and flaps to follow each detents at the same time as the throttle?

If you’re only moving the throttle but keeping the spoilers and flaps at the retracted position, the hardware will think that for each detent that you press the red buttons, the spoilers and flaps retracted positions are the detents. You have to set the quadrant to say “this is the throttle TOGA position, spoilers retracted position, flaps position, press red buttons to confirm” then “this is the throttle FLX/MCT position, spoilers 25% position, Flaps 1 position, then press the red buttons to confirm” and so on.

Yes all four levers were moved in calibration process. Unplug then press the right black button when reconnecting all levers at reverser position. Then bring all levers to To/Go position press two reds, move all to next indent then two reds again and repeat till reverser again , then two red pause a moment then both black buttons and it should be done 
 but no . Hope that explains what I am doing.

@GlobalAero @PackedPlanet712 Did you ever find a solution? I’m having the same issue. I can properly calibrate the flaps and spoilers if I set the Throttle to Engines 3 and 4. On 1 & 2, The flaps are either full/half, and the Air Brake is either off or 1/2.

@Neo4316, I appreciate your instructions. They worked great for calibrating as engine 3&4. But when I do 1&2, I have the issue with the flaps and spoiler axes. :frowning:

You have to redo the same process on 1&2 as well, This is because the engine modes are separate profiles stored within the firmware of the quadrant. So when you calibrate the flaps and spoiler axis for 3&4 using the method above. You have to do the exact same steps as engine 1&2 as well.

Better yet, you might need to detach and reattach the addons separately for each quadrants.

Detach addons, and attach bot of them them to the Engine 1&2 quadrant. Do the whole calibration process with the same steps calibrating the spoilers and flaps at the same time. Then when you’re done. Detach both addons from the Engine 1&2 and attach both of them to the Engine 3&4 quadrant. Do the exact same calibration process as you did with Engine 1&2.

Once you’re done, detach the spoilers addon from the Engine 3&4, and reattach it to Engine 1&2, keeping the Flaps addon attached to Engine 3&4. So you should have all 4 engines calibrated with all the addons axis calibrated for both quadrants.

Thanks for the suggestions, @Neo4316. I appreciate your helpfulness in this topic!

Unfortunately, I wasn’t clear in what I wrote. I only have one set of throttles. But if I set that single set of throttles to “ENG 3&4” on the front, the spoilers and flaps work as expected. If I set them to ENG 1&2 (which is what it needs to be, since I only have the one set of throttles), that’s when the add-on axes aren’t working properly. The 3&4 was what @PackedPlanet712 said made his work, which is why I tried that. It does fix the add-on axes, but obviously isn’t a good solution since I’d need to reset all my sims to look at different throttle axes

That’s weird then
 Maybe it’s specific issue to your hardware since calibrating my Engine 1&2 and Engine 3&4 modes on the same quadrant works just fine for both my Spoilers and Flaps Axis
 Have you updated the firmware to the latest version?

Even though I unassign my Spoilers from the axis due to it breaking the autospoilers on the A320s.

Yep, I’ve updated the firmware. It’s weird. I filed a ticket with Thrustmaster. It looks like @PackedPlanet712 had the exact same issue above, so hoping maybe he found a solution and can chime in. :slight_smile:

Okay, thanks to Thrustmaster Support, I was able to solve the issue.

Turns out my original calibration before I added the Add-on Pack had stored settings in Windows that prevented the Flap and Spoiler axes from calibrating properly

The solution, in case anyone else encounters this, is to remove the driver software for the Quadrant, open the Joystick control panel (Windows-R, joy.cpl), select the TCA Quadrant, click Properties, and then the Settings tab, and click “Reset.” That deletes the old, bad calibration. Then unplug and re-plug the TCA quadrant and reinstall the drivers.

This didn’t occur to me when I was troubleshooting because the Reset option isn’t there when the Thrustmaster drivers are installed.

Thanks, that seems to be a viable fix. However, when clicking Properties it opens the Thrustmaster Flight Control Panel Properties and the only tab there is labeled ‘Test Input’. I can’t find any option to reset there. May be I’m in the wrong window 

Edit: You need to delete the T.Hotas Driver from the Apps & features in Windows. Then you’ll get the Reset to default button

Yep, @IambicJuggler41, that’s the key! I did mention it above, but I probably should have broken the steps out into bullet points. :slight_smile:

Here’s the full procedure from Thrustmaster. Pasting them here, as more people will likely run into this if there’s ever availability of the darned Add-On again! (I finally ordered one from Aerosoft in Germany at a slight premium, as I haven’t seen them in stock in the USA since March!)

Reset the Windows calibration

This guide aims to help you reset the Windows calibration, in case you used it to
configure your product. It is important to reset this configuration as it conflicts with the
default product calibration and the one done by our driver.

To reset it, we ask you to please follow the steps below :

  1. Make sure you have correctly uninstall the product’s pilot. To do this, right click
    on the Windows start-up button, at the bottom left of your screen, and select
    “Apps & features”.

  2. In the newly opened window, you will find a search bar. Type “T.Flight Hotas
    drivers”, or simply “Flight”. The research tool will find the driver, called “T.Flight
    Hotas drivers”. Click on it : two options are offered to you, Modify or Uninstall.
    Click on “Uninstall”.

  3. Once the uninstall is done, restart your computer.

  4. Now that your computer has restarted, plug the product for which you need to
    reset the calibration on your computer (joystick or pedals).

  5. Simultaneously press the “Windows” and “R” keys.

  6. In the newly opened window, type “joy.cpl” without the quotation marks.

  7. The game controllers window opens. You will find your joystick or pedalset listed
    there, with its default name. In the case of the TCA Sidestick, the default name
    is « T.A320 Pilot », but the name will differ depending on the product.

  8. Click on your joystick or pedalset, then click on “Properties”. A new window
    opens. Select the “Settings” tab and click on “Reset”. Then, click on “OK” to
    close the window.

  9. Unplug your product.

  10. The reset of the Windows calibration has been done. We now invite you to
    reinstall the driver of your product.


Thanks for this. My spoilers work perfectly now. The Flap level in the joy.cpl moves freely but there are no assigned button numbers like the spoiler has (through the windows joy.cpl). The flaps are either full up or full down in MSFS2020. I have thrustmasters recommended binds. Not sure what to do now.

Have you made sure to use the MSFS default profile for the TCA Quadrant as a base before changing anything?

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Neo, that did it. Thank you so much!!! Merry Christmas.

Am about to take delivery of TCA Captains Pack. Is there a hardware identification to indicate if this is the latest hardware revision.

Assuming it is the latest, I presume I start by updating to latest firmware from Thrustmeter site? Are there good sites for settings to suit FB A320 Dev model?

Apologies if not posted in correct thread?

Any help is appreciated

You can download the actual firmware from the TM side.
The set is already set uped in msfs with all necessary bindings. Only in the.fbw a32nx you have to calibrate the thrust leavers. Be aware that you got a linear curve in the settings of the throttle. After that it works very well.

Thank you, will do.

Have there been any revisions to the hardware or are they the same hardware as say a year ago?


Not that I know of. I know they started shipping the Captain’s pack now, with the quadrant and spoiler and flaps addons bundled with the sidestick. But I’m not sure if it’s still the same hardware that’s bundled together or if there’s any hardware revision.

I can’t think of a reason to revise the hardware other than the twist axis jitters. But even so, it can easily be fixed ourselves by opening up the case and rerouting the cable that was causing the issue.

my fbw.32nx is taxiing to fast with the throttle in iddle podition, although i calibrated the throttle with the flight tablet running msfs. how can i fixe this.