Thrustmaster TCA quadrant still not completely working

Ok to help some users the correct procedure is for the TCA with the TCA addon to calibrate all axis the same time :wink:
Temporary disable your virus software during this procedure :wink:
After calibrating check in your control panel for Thrustmaster

First uninstall the old driver and reboot your PC then make sure you have the latest driver installed and reboot your PC, then update the firmware to the latest version and reboot your PC

  • For the joystick version 1.11 and control panel version 2.06
  • For the throttle version 1.61 and control panel version 2.06

Driver download link Thrustmaster:

Calibration video from the throttle:

Step 1: Insert the pin for the two throttles to combine, disconnect the TCA USB cable and before you start set the throttle to full reverse press the right black button and plug the USB cable in

Follow the following steps :wink:
Steps to follow for calibration with the complete TCA set

Step 2 : push the throttle to full forward and the spoilers ret and flaps up

Step 3: push the two red buttons and gear handle up and down

Step 4: move the throttles to mct/flx detent (next one) spoiler to 1/4 and flaps to 1

Step 5: push the two red buttons and gear handle up and down

Step 6: move the throttles to clb detent (next one) spoiler to 1/2 and flaps to 2

Step 7: push the two red buttons and gear handle up and down

Step 8: move the throttles to idle detent (next one) spoiler to 3/4 and flaps to 3

Step 9: push the two red buttons and gear handle up and down

Step 10: move spoiler to full and flaps to full

Step 11: gear handle up and down

Then confirm with pushing the two black buttons on the throttle simultaneous then unplug the usb cable
Plug the USB cable in again

After that check and if it looks similar in the control panel when it is congratulations you have correct calibrated hardware :slight_smile:
Move the spoiler and flap and throttles to there full axis range :wink:

Hope it’s helpfull :sunglasses:


Why do you need to flip the landing gear up and down? It’s a digital button, you don’t need to calibrate that at alll. Either it’s up (active) or it’s down (inactive).

Because that’s the way you confirm the axis position for the add-on :wink: (spoiler and flap axis) same as for the throttle (red buttons)

Really? I never use the landing gear up/down and my spoilers and flaps calibrates just fine. Because I think the red buttons calibrate all the axis levers, both thrust, spoilers and flaps at the same time.

So as long Throttle, Flaps, and Spoilers are at the same detent everytime you press the red buttons, it should be calibrated just fine.,

Yep really but maybe they don’t have a clue at Thrustmaster, anyway be my guest to do it your own way

For everyone else if you follow the guide above you will have perfect calibrated hardware :wink:
That’s actually the real point here :wink:

Well I have perfectly calibrated hardware even without doing landing gear up/down
 But I guess adding more steps is still better than missing steps.

What are you guys using to arm the spoilers since you cannot pull up the speed brake lever.

I’m just using one of the buttons on the joystick
to toggle arm/disarm spoilers

Re arming the spoilers, I found the best solution was to follow Neo4316’s brilliant suggestion here Thrustmaster TCA Arm Spoiler Suggested Config (needs FSUIPC)

It works perfectly and seamlessly in my experience.

Regards, Alasdair (aka Flybasher


I have the TCA quadrant+addon. After recent update, the spoiler and flaps auto extending whenever i hit Esc button. I’ve no other controllers attached to my pc. I’ve checked the axis for both flaps and spoilers and they are not bound to any other keys or controls. Both TCA joystick and Quadrants updated version 1.11 and 1.61 respectively. I performed the calibration as well but to no avail. I hope there’s fix for this.

Common issue of the sim since the last update.

I don’t have the spoilers axis bound to anything, even to my spoiler lever in the addon. (If I do that, the autospoiler won’t deploy because your spoiler position will override the autospoiler). So I use the virtual buttons of the detents in the spoilers to assign the auto-spoiler or fully deploy them.

The flaps are still fine for me though, I still have my flaps axis bound to the addon, and I can hit Esc and it doesn’t extend it on its own for me.

A few months ago the issue with the detents and the A320NX Experimental was solved by FBW and posted on this thread (don’t believe it works on the other two versions of FBW). The ThrotteConfiguration.ini file that is created by FBW was set to the following:
Log = true
Enabled = true
ReverseOnAxis = true
DetentDeadZone = 2.0
DetentReverseFull = -1.00
DetentIdle = -0.50
DetentClimb = 0.00
DetentFlexMct = 0.50
DetentTakeOffGoAround = 1.00

For months I had no trouble with the throttle (including reverse thrust). After yesterday’s update the settings do not work as well. Close but not close enough to match, especially CL. So I’m wondering if anyone has found the new solution before I start playing with these settings.

[I tried making some changes to the above settngs and it had no impact. Detents did not match the throttle settings. Idle is halfway to CL, CL is at Flex, Flex almost at TOGA.]

The format of the settings have changed. Please use the EFB to setup the settings.

Since last update my presets of the TCA have dissapeared and it the default preset is not being auto-asigned by the game, despite MSFS detecting the quadrant just fine.
Could anyone share with me their default preset file please?

Same issue. Was previously using HOTAS X w no issues.

That is the old format, this has been changed a few weeks ago. Follow this guideline on how to calibrate it with the new method through the EFB.

Ok weird things are going on. IF i have the TCA throttle plus addon plugged in, if i press escape the throttle/flaps/spoilers goto 1/2. same if i use the logitech proflight button panel. IF i unplug the TCA everything returns to normal no Escape key issues. Just tried it with Virpil throttle and button panel. All normal. So what’s going on. I literally have not changed a thing other than install ASOBO patches.

That’s a common issue since the patch.

Have you found a solution since yet? Don’t want to use a third party software lol