I also have TrackIR 5, and I love it’s “pause” (freeze) function. That is the function that we would like with Tobii.
And this is already included in the tobii game hub options. Just not working with MSFS.
Let’s hope that Tobii at FlightSimExpo 2023 on the Microsoft booth is a good sign of future improvement(s)? If someone at Houston has the opportunity to collect news from Tobii
We’d love to meet as many of you as possible. We’ll have eye trackers available to test in both the MSFS and Thrustmaster booth that is right next by. See you there!
Senior Community Manager
Tobii Gaming
Has the Pause function been implemented yet? I have just received my Tobii, the lack of being able to look at parts of the cockpit and then freeze head tracking to manipulate buttons and switches is a showstopper for me. It beats the whole purpose of head tracking. TracKIR has this functionality. I don’t understand how such a fundamental capability can be overlooked during development.
I just received the Tobii eye tracker. Simple installation, configuration: I followed the info from the post Settings & Setup guide for the Tobii Eye Tracker 5. RAS.
However, I join this discussion to be surprised that there is not an MSFS or Tobii keyboard shortcut to freeze the screen in order to allow basic settings during a VFR/IFR flight: (radio, Qnh , ALT, FLC, etc.) .
The Toggle Head Button does (not bound by default) disable it in MSFS. Unfortunately it doesn’t freeze the camera in the direction you were looking. If you have feature requests please share with us but also make sure the devs see it here in the forum. We’d love to make some updates and also sort some QoL things!
Senior Community Manager
Tobii Gaming
I contacted “Tobii” to ask them if the motion freeze function existed in MSFS (it is present in Xplane). Tobii answered me very quickly and courteously ( ) that this function does not exist in MSFS because all “Tobii” commands go through Asobo.
But they didn’t tell me that the Toggle Head Button disables “Tobii”. It works, thanks for the info.
One suggestion would be to include MSFS in the Game Hub app, even though it’s native in MSFS. That way, we could have that function. If this works in TrackIR, and has worked since forever and a day, it should work with MSFS.
Has there been any progress on this? I’ve learned that when using Tobii in DCS you need to run Tobii Game Hub in which you control all of the sensitivity settings and there is an option to turn off “Auto Center” when toggling the tracker so that when you toggle it off it freezes in the view you are currently looking at. In MSFS there is a “Head Tracking Auto-Center” function that can be set to ether 0 or 1 but it doesn’t seem to do anything regardless of hw you set it.
Like I suggested earlier, I think the easiest solution might be to just include MSFS in the Game Hub even though it’s native to MSFS. That way, people can have the option of using Tobii with the Game Hub or not.
I don’t think you can do that. If you click on MSFS in Game Hub it just says that control is native, there’s no option to use Hub as control.
I know this. That’s why I’m requesting that they (the Tobii team) include it so people can have a choice of either running MSFS natively or running it through Game Hub, or both.
If you use facetracknoir with tobii you have the ability to pause
I got the Tobii eye tracker last week and as many users in this thread, it would be nice to have an option to bind a" freeze or pause view" button. I tried using the Tobii with Opentrack, that, like facetrackoir, allows to bind this button, but, after many tries, I found that the camera movements in the sim are much more fluid by disabling Opentrack, only using Tobii settings in MSFS options menu.
Best solution I’ve found for now : I’m using my preselected views (f. e., those zooming to the FMS or the overhead pannel). Then, it’s not necessary to disable the tracker, the image is stable enough to manipulate the buttons on the cockpit’s screen. Then, I return to center view with an another preset on my keyboard (of course, not the Tobii center view). I also disabled eye tracking to get more stability.
I’ve actually found the opposite.
There are many different Filters to choose from the bottom left of the Opentrack window, and each feels quite different from the others. I can’t remember which one I chose but I think it had “Natural” in its name. I’m struggling to find a complete list, so will check when I get home.
In any case, I found that with the Asobo only solution, my beard was causing problems for the tracking, and it would cause my view to move inward, then outward at seemingly random times, which made landings a nightmare.
It’s now really smooth, and I don’t have those issues any more with Opentrack. You can still get it to move unexpectedly if you are one of those who sticks their tongue out the side of their mouth when landing though.
Does it freeze up when it detects a look of sheer panic?
Yes, that’s the “Should have gone around” function!
I wonder if I can bind Tobii panic detection in SPAD.