Description of the issue: I am not sure how but in 2024 ATC is worse than in 2020! Remarkable achievement. I see there are bugs raised for the scrolling, no resize etc. But what I am flabbergasted/triggered by is Asobo REMOVED the ability to TOGGLE the ATC Window with a key/button. I used to have a key and Xbox button bound to Toggle show the ATC Window and then hide it again. Super handy, lots of chatter going on, hide the window, then you hear your call sign and you can Toggle Show it again. This was really handy because for some reason in 2020 they REMOVED “Show ATC Window when controller contacts you” (Again removed, not clear why, it just made things worse).

Not only is there no action to Hide ATC Window, there is nolonger Toggle ATC Window.

I will just have to accept that given the incredible number of bugs I am now stuck with this seemingly random decision by somebody in the Dev team. Why would they remove such a useful feature, there is literally a key for everything?

If anyone can shed some light on the rationale here or maybe I have missed another action that can hide this window I would be very grateful.



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“Open Communication Panel” now does what you want. No idea why they changed it. And worse " Toggle ATC" only opens and “Open Comm panel” toggles. :man_shrugging:t3:


Could this help (“Open Communication Panel”) ? Toggle ATC window


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Brilliant thank you, life saver!

Would really prefer if Toggle was brought back.

You can, it’s just a different command. Read ^^^

Interestingly there seems to be another bug where if you click Intercom or Group in the Communications Panel you cannot get back to ATC until you pause (Bring up menu) and then unpause the game.

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Another example of the horrible usability and lack of intuitiveness of this new version

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That’s crazy that there are 2 different commands that do almost the same thing. In 2020 it was also called Display ATC but it worked as a toggle. Will need to try this later

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especially in VR. I can open ATC windows with a key binding…but cannot close

Swap to “Open communications panel” instead of “Display ATC”

It’s not possible to close the ATC communication window. See screenshot.
X Button for close with mouse is missing. Also, it’s not possible to close with keyboard key toggle.
Complete new installation doesn’t solve the problem. Therefore, I guess the problem could be on server side.
Can anybody help?

SimUpdate Beta.
Xbox Series X.

Close it with the toolbar for now.

Look up 3 posts for the solution ^^^

Thanks, with toolbar I can close.