i don’t know why they didn’t learn from MSFS 2020
They already have all the data they need - roads and houses, the data is there because it looks good close up.
They just need to use that data specifically and create a mask with lower resolution than individual lights (as low as needed, as high as possible) and stream it just like ortho tiles in darkness.
We can see each road on the orthos at daytime, why can’t we have that resolution (or at least a 10th of it) for the night lighting and have to live with that ugly sepia mask…
Look at Dubai, the desert in its surrounding is glowing bright, while IRL as soon as you get away from downtown it gets very quickly very dark.
Here’s Stuttgart, TLOD 100…
Yes exactly, that was what I was trying to say a few posts back.
I remember when MS posted a full time (work from home) position for 4 or 5 real-world pilots over a year ago to help work on this new sim. I really wonder why so many things like this lighting issue made it to the release version…?? I also do not have external lights on most aircraft (some reflections work, just no actual light). I would have happily volunteered 3 days of my time to point out all the silly bugs and issues with aircraft and airports before it was released. Maybe next version…
I could really see these problem by looking at the Las Vegas Sphere at night. That thing looks brighter than the sun.
@RebelRabbitt Now this looks really good, it seems like IniBuilds looked at the conversations we have been having about the excessive bloom around airport lighting and their brightness, deciding to take matter into their own hands. They now have enhanced airports where they created custom night lighting for their sceneries and the difference is night and day.
The best would be they bring back the set up switches for ‘bloom’ and ‘lens flare’ (on/off) and add a slider for night lighting (from zero to christmas tree)
Are these for purchased add-on airports by Inibuilds, or ones that come with FS2024?
I want to know why some airports sometimes do not load in the light fixtures. The lights just float mid air. This applies to the taxi light casings that are embedded in the tarmac as well - if these blue light fixtures shows - they do too.
I have even done a few tests at certain times of the day/night, and it seems that if my internet speed is not too bad - they stream in - else not… then at other airports they are there, so I don’t know what’s going on. Was never an issue with 2020.
So what other details are we missing because of this new streaming nonsense going on . . .
this is what has being advertised for MSFS 2020, imagine that we are in MSFS 2024 and we still cannot see this
This exactly.
To everyone posting: I have included a lot of your posts into the original, to get Asobos attention. thank you so much for helping to get this hopefully fixed as soon as possible. Appreciate your insight
Unfortunately it’s only the add on you purchase from them not the entire sim. Asobo should take notes or get help from inibuilds on the night lighting
HI, 100% ok with this, these light are very too flashy and seem realy big. and i’m sure that use very hard GPU usage too. pls correct this.
EXACTLY that is what we had in the first Tech Alpha for MSFS 2020, but after a few months they removed it , replaced by the horrible Sepia Mask, and actual lamps faded after just a few miles…
After 4 years of repairing the damage we got something acceptable (not as good as first Tech Alpha), but now we’ve reverted further back again, no idea why…
Flying high altitude at night on a regular basis, what we have now is very far from what it looks like IRL, and the picture you posted / first 2020 Tech Alpha, was much closer to reality. I dont understand the reluctance to use what was already working from the beginning, instead of spending 4 years “polishing” something that looks very unreal from the beginning (Sepia mask)
Catching up but I see that this is only happening with the 2020 airports that were added as freeware. Default MSFS airports do not exhibit the exaggerated bloom.
The bug report has been bug logged by Asobo, hopefully it will be looked at soon. If anyone has anything more to add then it would be great to get that now so I can include it in the post.
Don’t forget we still need the airport beacons to be visible at a distance. Right now I don’t see them at all.
I just discovered something with this.
One of the biggest complaints in the sim is how the AI procedurally renders taxiway lights. They follow the pathing, but don’t follow the pavement, so you get lights in the middle of taxiways, ramps, runup/holding hammerheads, etc.
When editing airports in the World Hub, I discovered that if there was enough contrast in the aerial photo used for the airport, that you could see where the actual taxiway lights were. When this was the case, I found it much easier to use the LIGHT ROW tool and place them in the exact right spot. I ended up using a mix of LIGHT ROW and procedurally-generated strings (along straightaways mostly) for most airports.
So when I fired 2024 up for the first time, and went to Auburn Airport (KAUN) - one of the airports I spent a lot of time editing in the World Hub) only the LIGHT ROW lights remained, the procedural ones were gone. Until the second time I went in, then they showed up (could be server things - that was the launch night).
Here’s the rub:
The LIGHT ROW lights are MUCH brighter at night than the procedurally-generated ones. I assume most third-party devs have been using this (fantastic) tool so accurately place their lights as well. Thus, the bright lights.
Here’s your evidence: A screenshot I just grabbed at KAUN -The really bright taxiway lights are where I manually placed the LIGHT ROW lights (notice the irregular shapes to which they conform). The dimmer ones are procedurally generated.
A simple fix would be to turn down the procedural ones a little and to turn down the LIGHT ROW ones a lot to match. That’s it.
While we’re at it - notice the runway end lights - still, to this day, they’re wrong. They should all be above-ground and there should be four per side with a gap in the middle. The mix of in-ground and above ground lighting is goofy and wrong. Things like this are why we use the LIGHT ROW tools - because the procedural ones are so poorly implemented.
this is REALLY interesting. Can I pull it further up into the megapost for asobo to see?