Toolbar Pushback

:partying_face: 100,000th DOWNLOAD GIVEAWAY !

Toolbar Pushback has reached a wonderful milestone: one hundred thousand downloads! Thatā€™s an insane amount considering that this add-on was launched in May of this year.

In order to celebrate this, AmbitiousPilots teamed up with LatinVFR for a giveaway of 5 copies of the wonderful Airport Regional Environment X. AREX enhances your sim with much more realistic and detailed ground service vehicles, working perfectly together with Toolbar Pushback.

To enter, check out this tweet containing all details. Best of luck!

At this point we would like to say thank you to all of you using and celebrating Toolbar Pushback and to those who actively support this add-on by spreading the word, providing translations and giving feedback, and for continuously providing the downloads to this awesome community.

Also a huge shout-out to the content creators that keep using and mentioning Toolbar Pushback in their videos and streams!

What are you waiting for? Try your luck:



Is there any way to use shortcuts for all the functions? Is there any for increasing and decreasing speed of the push? Thanks

This mod is simple yet so good.
Now i even bother with pushback for small plane because it is just fun and easy to use.
Nice mod.

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@Zireael4178 You can use the mouse scroll wheel when hovering over the Toolbar Pushback UI window to change the tug speed. Custom controls are planned for a future update.

@Vyllis Nice to hear! Enjoy :wink:

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Not sure if this has been asked but is there any possibility for you to add a pre-plan function such as with BetterPushback in XP?
Otherwise, very nice mod. Canā€™t think of not using it.

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Having this app available when needed is like having a 911 operator at your fingertips.

Yesterday I was sitting at KLGB trying to learn a new aircraft I just purchased (and highly recommend BTW) the P-38L from Flying Iron. It is a bit more of a challenge to get these old Turbo Supercharged engines to perform properly and there is a little learning curve but as Iā€™m sitting in the cockpit going through the checklists and now ready for taxi I notice thereā€™s no tug outside and nothing in my comms to bring up Ground Services and my AC is sitting directly in front of a hangar with no way to move.

I quickly call up Toolbar Pushback and within seconds Iā€™m pushed away from the building and ready to roll on my own. Except since there was no tug available I never saw anything attached to my AC and when I ā€œstopped pushbackā€ I never ā€œdisconnectedā€ from the tug.

So there I am with my brand new (80 year old) Yippee bird engines throttling with properly feathered props and not moving. Going nowhere. I look over to my second monitor and see the Toolbar Pushback lit up with the green ā€œTugā€. Of course you canā€™t fix stupid and you canā€™t taxi with a tug connected. Anyway thatā€™s my story and I really enjoy this free app. Thank you to the creator.

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@mynolix Yes, thatā€™s planned for a future update of Toolbar Pushback :+1:

@danzio56 Sounds like youā€™re having fun pushing your P-38L around :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for sharing your story with us :wink:


add working perfectly but im not getting any of the interactive sounds on my system. I have enabled it on the features options, but still not audio form the ground coming through.
Checked its named correctly in my community folder. There is the correct time delay so the seems to think the audio is playing. Any suggestions

Make sure that in the general simulator settings the volume level for ā€œVoicesā€ is not muted. Let me know if that worked for you :wink:

This really is an extremely useful and easy mod. I use it on every flight. I have even recorded my own voice as the ā€˜pilotā€™ and all is going great. Thank you very much for your work and efforts on this.


Is there an option to create or download some more local voice packs with different accents?

Well, the sound packs are just .WAV files. So I would think youā€™ll need to record yourself (or have someone else) record the voices with the accents you want. And save them with the same file names and replace it.

Thx, but I want to use more different sound packs, like in better pushback in XP11 or in AES for FSX and not just only one.

Also it seems that in the game the ā€œSound AIā€ is used to generate the sounds from Toolbar Pushback, I am not hearing the .wav files from toolbar pushback folder. Also during pushback there is this text ā€œ[Missing Audio] Ready to pushā€¦ā€ when there is talking with the ground gews.


Ahh I guess I forgot to execute the Batch file, cause Iā€™ve the sim in german.

Yes, voice packs will be supported soon. Thatā€™s been a highly requested feature.

And @Wickeman99, thatā€™s indeed an essential step to run the batch file to enable the voices. Info about this you can find in the readme file inside the add-on folder.

Sometimes the interactive audio and all of that extra interaction will just not work. And the app will act as if those settings are off. I havenā€™t found any rhyme or reason for it but I have disabled then enabled it and it doesnā€™t fix it. Just some feedback.

When it does work though, itā€™s amazing.

I have done all the regular tips under the faq but nothing works

Today I had my first CTD after clicking on the pushback icon in the sim. Are there any problems with the new Sim update or the new FBW A320 updates?

Does voice commands works with WT CJ4?

@WW2FR3K This seems to be related to the sim ATC. As soon as there is a fix, itā€™ll be included in an update of Toolbar Pushback.

@Wickeman99 Iā€™m using the latest FBW A320 developer version in SU7 without any issues.

@Zireael4178 The interactive pushback audio currently only works with airliners like the A320.

Thank you for the reply! Keep up the great work! I love this app!

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