Top Gun Maverick Expansion DLC?

If there’s no SR72 or other > Mach 2 aircraft, I’ll keep my DC Designs and Eurofighter payware that provide that thrill.

lol yep, totally not interested in the movie for two reasons:

  • completely unrealistic
  • Tom Cruise


It’s probably against the law to not smash a perfectly good airplane in Hollywood.

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The mystery super plane would be fun if it’s true. Unlike many I have zero problem doing Mach 37 at sea level. I’m a philistine indeed.

I’m tweaking Area 51 to welcome it just in case it arrives.


Whats the issue with drop tanks though? They just carry extra fuel?

Cool story


We will have a new landing challenge that the forums will to as CTC Crash to Carrier

You can throw them on the head of “unfriendly people”. :joy:

I don’t like that guy, don’t know why, I just don’t😂.

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I’m certainly gonna watch it, but I’m in the same boat. Not a fan of Cruise. And I’m probably gonna be annoyed by the things they screwed up in the name of Hollywood :joy:.

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I’m not official.
Just a noob doing a livestream trying to refresh my memory on how to use those two aircraft.
Not so much luck sticking an ILS landing today in the F-14B.

Yesterday was worse. Every-time I tried coming in for a landing in either plabe I would get HULK SMASH croswinds and was knocked out of the sky on every attempt.

Also: the AP in the F-18 does not want to disegnage for an approach. You have to manually set controlls for Autopilot ON and OFF and turn off the autopilot before landing that way.

Also: Since last using the F-18 I can no longer steer with Rudder. You have to manually set keys for LEFT BRAKE and RIGHT BRAKE for nose steering control.

Good luck.
I very much look forward to the movie and the DLC!

the SR72 is not real in any sense of the word. The only thing “Real” about it is that it was designed by Lockheed Martin for TG2. I Wouldn’t even call it a concept. A fun drawing that ended up in a movie.

Wonder if the SR-72 is supposed to represent the hybrid scramjet that LM mused about. Turbofan sitting atop a ramjet where it takes off using the turbofan then, at speed, a vane ramp redirects the air into a tunnel under the engine where the scramjet is located (the turbofan becoming dead weight, I guess). Would explain the dorsal bulge in the image of that SR-72, as that is where the turbofan would be hiding while the scramjet sat underneath.

Kind of a step down from the SR-71, which had a ramjet wrapped around a turbojet and the turbojet still had a job keeping the inlets energized for efficient ram compression.

Nosewheel steering is turned off by default now. You either activate it in-cockpit by hitting the red button on the left side of the stick, or hotkey it (Set Nosewheel Steering to Limit). Bear in mind the F-18 is the only plane that needs this, so hitting that hotkey on any other plane in the sim will reset their own default NWS values, essentially deactivating them.

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Thank you. :sake:

Setting a key for NOSE WING LIMIT works great. When I now have a NWS/NWS HI in the HUD. I can use the Twist axis for rudder steering again or still use a left and right break for small turns.

Once the keyboard key to turn on nose wheel limit, there is no way to switch it off. No biggie.

I think I am ok to share the below preview of what we may see (should not be under NDA. let me know if it is an issue):


Weellllll actually Lockheed has confirmed it’s a real plane that is in development


But we already have f-18 game of the year airplanes I’m confused about top gun dlc Airplane

I thought it was the same one released early so we could get some training time before the DLC.?

You can kill the NWS on the F-18 by hitting the G-limiter paddle on the front of the stick (kills AP as well) or by lowering the launch bar (left side panel).

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